9 min read

Is Your Home Safe? Decoding the EPA's Radon Action Level

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jul 31, 2024 2:34:52 PM

Did you know the air inside your home might contain an invisible threat? Radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas, can seep into homes undetected, posing serious health risks.

It enters through cracks in floors, walls, and the water supply, making awareness and prevention crucial since it's the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S.

Topics: Radon Testing
17 min read

Radon Levels Explained: How to Interpret Your Test Results

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Apr 29, 2024 12:04:47 PM

An invisible threat lurks in the basements of many homes, silent yet potent. Radon, a naturally occurring gas, can pose serious health risks if it accumulates indoors. Before delving into the complexities of radon levels in your home, it's essential to grasp what radon is and where it comes from. Unraveling the mystery of radon starts by understanding its odorless, colorless, and tasteless nature, making it undetectable without specific tests.

Standardized metrics and guidelines determine when action is needed to combat radon exposure. This article will guide you through the various thresholds for safe and concerning radon levels and explain how indoor levels differ from outdoor concentrations. It’s crucial to comprehend these differences as they directly impact decision-making around radon mitigation.

Confronted with an array of numbers and scientific terms, interpreting test results can be daunting. We will simplify average radon levels, outline the health implications of varied concentrations, and discuss strategies for reducing dangerous levels in your home. By demystifying radon test results, you'll be empowered to ensure your living environment is safe and healthy.

Topics: Radon Testing
18 min read

Radon Testing in Schools and Public Buildings: Highlighting the Importance of Radon Testing in Educational Institutions and Other Public Facilities

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Apr 19, 2024 1:23:27 PM

Imagine dropping your child off at school, unaware that an invisible threat could be lurking in the very air they breathe. Radon, a natural radioactive gas, can go undetected but has serious implications for health and safety, particularly in schools and public buildings where we spend much of our time. Its presence is not discernible by sight, smell, or taste, yet it's the second leading cause of lung cancer.

Across educational institutions, the necessity of creating a safe learning environment extends beyond visible safety measures. What often goes unnoticed is the silent risk posed by radon gas, which may seep unseen into buildings from the ground below, accumulating in spaces where students and staff spend hours each day. The potential health impacts are considerable and warrant a closer examination.

This article will unravel the importance of testing schools and public facilities, explore the health hazards related to exposure to radon, and emphasize why regular monitoring is necessary. It will delve into the various testing methods, offer practical guidelines for implementing radon testing programs, and showcase instances where addressing radon concerns has markedly improved air quality and, by extension, public health.

Topics: Radon and Children
28 min read

Radon Regulations: Navigating Compliance and Guidelines

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Apr 2, 2024 9:05:54 AM

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can significantly impact indoor air quality, presenting serious health risks. It is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, which makes it virtually undetectable without the use of specialized testing equipment.

Topics: Akron Radon Testing Company
7 min read

How Do You Reduce Radon Levels Quickly?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Feb 7, 2024 12:32:30 PM

Key Takeaways:

  • Radon gas poses a significant health risk: Radon, a radioactive gas, is a serious health hazard found in many homes, originating from the decay of uranium in soil, rock, and water. It's odorless, colorless, and tasteless, making it difficult to detect without testing.
  • Inhaling radon gas can lead to lung cancer, with prolonged exposure being particularly dangerous. Radon exposure is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking, claiming thousands of lives annually.
  • Radon exposure typically doesn't cause immediate symptoms, but over time, it can lead to respiratory issues such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Smokers face an increased risk due to the combined effects of smoking and radon exposure.


Radon gas is a serious health hazard that can lurk undetected in any residential space, posing significant risks to you and your loved ones - including the risk of lung cancer.

In this article, we'll delve into the importance of radon prevention, the dangers associated with high radon levels, and most importantly, how you can take action to mitigate this invisible threat.

Whether you're a homeowner concerned about your family's health or simply seeking to increase your knowledge about radon, you've come to the right place.

Topics: Radon Questions
5 min read

How Do I Prepare For A Radon Test?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Nov 23, 2023 2:15:00 PM

Key Takeaways:

  • Radon is an odorless, colorless, and tasteless gas. It's the second leading cause of lung cancer.
  • To prepare your home for a radon test, keep windows and doors shut. Avoid using ceiling fans.
  • If you have elevated levels of radon in your home, a radon mitigation system will be installed.


The only way to find out if your home has high radon levels, a radioactive gas that can cause lung cancer over time, is to get a radon test.

But what should you do to prepare your home for a radon test?

We'll take a look in the article below.

Topics: Radon Testing Questions
6 min read

Is Radon Dangerous To Children?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Oct 23, 2023 2:14:23 PM

Key Takeaways:

  • Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas.
  • Radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer behind cigarette smoke.
  • Children are especially susceptible to radon exposure.


Radon is a radioactive gas with no color or smell. It is created during the natural breakdown of uranium, which is present in the rocks and soil beneath your home.

How dangerous is it for your kids to be exposed to radon? We'll take a look in the article below.

Topics: Radon and Children
6 min read

4 Most Common Forms of Radon Mitigation Systems

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jun 6, 2023 9:26:16 AM

Thankfully, lately, radon has been getting the attention it deserves, and it deserves a lot.

Besides smoking, it is the leading cause of lung cancer in the United States.

It is seemingly unavoidable because it is colorless, odorless, and virtually undetectable to the natural five senses.

Radon is a naturally occurring element found prominently in states surrounding Lake Erie, among others.

So, to sum up, Radon is a potentially lethal gas that you cannot naturally observe, and you may have already been exposed to it.

So yes, it is very fortunate this health risk is receiving its due notoriety.

Thankfully, at Radon Eliminator, we have gotten the radon testing process down to a science.

There are very few variables when it comes to performing a successful test. However, radon mitigation is a different story.

The story may be different, but the ending remains the same.

The expert radon mitigation professionals at Radon Eliminator know how to successfully lower radon levels in homes and keep the residents of any building safe from the dangers of radon exposure.

However, unlike our testing process, multiple ways to mitigate a home exist.

Continue reading this article to learn all about the four main types of Radon Mitigation utilized by our radon mitigation specialists. 

Topics: Radon Mitigation System
7 min read

What Will It Cost To Remove Radon From My Home?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Mar 1, 2023 2:49:21 PM

Radon mitigation is any method or system used to reduce the amount of radon in a home or building.

If your home has high radon levels, you need to contact a radon inspector to install a mitigation system to lower your risk of exposure to this health hazard. 

The goal of a radon mitigation system is to lower levels of radon gas in the home as much as possible.

The installation cost of a radon mitigation system will vary greatly depending on several factors. 

Depending on the house, the average cost of a radon system is between $800 and $2000.

Sometimes it is less, and sometimes it is more.

In the article below, we will go over the cost of radon mitigation.

Topics: Radon Mitigation System
5 min read

Radon: The Silent Killer In Your Home

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Sep 8, 2022 10:35:27 AM

You are probably met with blank stares if you mention radon to most people.

But if you tell them that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, you've piqued their interest.

If you tell them they could be breathing in unsafe levels of radon without even knowing it - for years - you have their full attention.

Radon is a silent killer that could be lurking in your home without you ever knowing it.

If something were slowly killing your family in your home, you'd want to know all about it, right?

It's estimated to cause around 21,000 lung cancer deaths in the U.S. annually.

The scary thing is that Ohio has high radon levels throughout the state, and most of us don't even know it.

In the article below, we will discuss what you can do about this silent killer in your home.

Topics: Radon Silent Killer
21 min read

Should I Go To The Doctor If I've Been Exposed To Radon?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Sep 1, 2022 1:48:00 PM

Invisible and insidious, radon gas stealthily infiltrates homes, posing a health hazard that many remain oblivious to. Radon, the silent threat lurking in the air we breathe and the water we drink, beckons an urgent question for those aware of its presence. Beneath its scientific designation lies a naturally occurring radioactive menace with origins just as unsettling as its implications for health.

Unassuming basements and ordinary soil can become unwitting hosts to this carcinogenic intruder, silently emitting from the earth's depths and seeping through cracks and openings. As the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking, radon's health risks cast a long, ominous shadow; the invisible gas's insidiousness lies not just in its stealth but in the cold statistics of mortality and disease it orchestrates. Symptoms like shortness of breath and chest pain are alarming harbingers, signaling the need for vigilance and action.

Deciphering whether your environment harbors this uninvited guest involves a meshwork of practices, from home testing to professional assessments. Understanding what radon is and its impacts on health sets the stage for exploring how we confront radon's pervasiveness. Let's venture into the depth of this issue, pulling back the veil on radon's dangers and examining decisive measures to safeguard our well-being against it.

Radon is clearly a dangerous threat to your life in high doses. However, is it ever safe or even beneficial to your health? Find out by reading our blog post: Can Radon Be Good for You?

Topics: radon poisoning
5 min read

Can Radon Be Good For You?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jun 17, 2022 3:38:04 PM

By now, hopefully, most people have heard about the risks of radon exposure.

But, can radon be good for you?

In Montana, there is a place where people pay to inhale and drink radon, so it can't be all bad, right?

Unfortunately, no matter what the people in Montana are doing, radon risks are very real, and you shouldn't take them lightly.

We'll dive deeper in the article below.

You are likely not one of the aforementioned tourists going to Montana for such treatments. However, does that mean radon isn't really a concern? Find out in our blog post titled: Should I Care About Radon? 

Topics: radon health risks
8 min read

Radon Facts Everyone Should Know

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Mar 11, 2022 4:58:17 PM

Fortunately, people are talking about it more and more, but many homeowners and homebuyers still don't know what radon is.

Radon gas can be a potential issue if found in your home.

You can't see, smell, or taste radon when it is present in your home, but behind smoking, radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in the United States.

The article below will discuss a few facts about radon everyone should know.

A popular question asked is if radon mitigation systems actually work. Read our blog post: Do Radon Mitigation Systems Really Work?  

Topics: Radon Frequently Asked Questions
6 min read

Do Radon Mitigation Systems Really Work?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Mar 1, 2022 4:12:37 PM

If you are worried your home has high radon levels, don't worry.

The first thing you need to do is have radon testing done in your home.

If the radon testing results show that you have elevated radon levels, there's no need to panic.

There are a few types of radon mitigation that can reduce your home's radon levels to a safe point.

Some techniques prevent radon from entering, and others reduce radon levels after it has entered.

But, do these techniques actually work?

In the article below, we will learn about radon mitigation and if it really works.

Perhaps you are looking to install a radon mitigation system because you are hoping to sell your home. Read our blog post: Can I Sell My Home if it Has High Radon Levels?

Topics: Radon Mitigation
5 min read

Should I Care About Radon?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Dec 20, 2021 4:51:04 PM

If someone told you there was a chance that an odorless and colorless gas that could damage your lungs and give you lung cancer polluted the air in your home, you'd probably want to know more about it.

However, like most people, you probably haven't heard of this gas called radon.

And you likely haven't considered the impact it can have on you and your family.

In the article below, we will discuss the many reasons you should think about this naturally occurring gas.

Want more critical information about radon? Read our blog post: "6 Things Everyone Should Know About Radon.

Topics: What Is Radon?
7 min read

8 Frequently Asked Radon Gas Questions

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Nov 23, 2021 3:01:08 PM

There aren't enough people that have heard about radon.

And for the people who have heard about radon, not enough of them understand the implications of radon exposure.

That's why our team at Radon Eliminator has put together this FAQ.

We're hoping to answer your questions and educate the communities we serve in Ohio.

And in doing so, we hope we can protect their homes and the health of their families.

After reading these Radon FAQs, please don't hesitate to contact us if you still have questions about radon.

Topics: Radon Frequently Asked Questions
5 min read

3 Most Asked Questions About Radon Mitigation System Maintenance

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Nov 19, 2021 10:03:08 AM

One of the most common questions about radon mitigation we get from our clients at Radon Eliminator after they see their elevated radon levels and learn they need a radon mitigation system is if it's going to require a lot of maintenance.

Fortunately, properly installed radon mitigation systems only require occasional maintenance and can easily be added to your home's routine maintenance schedule.

In the article below, we will go over a few maintenance tips for your radon mitigation system that will be sure to keep your levels of radon low.

Topics: Radon Mitigation System
6 min read

What Is Radon and Why Is It Dangerous?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Nov 10, 2021 10:44:12 AM

Although it's a significant risk factor for lung cancer, many people do not know much about radon gas.

Most are unaware of the dangers of radon, but fortunately, radon awareness is starting to get better and more people are starting to test their homes.

Educating yourself and knowing what radon is and why it's dangerous is the best way to keep yourself safe from harmful gas.

Taking precautionary measures with radon testing and mitigation will help ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones against the dangers of residential radon exposure.

In the article below, we will look at what radon is and why it's dangerous.

Are you concerned that you may already be exposed to high levels of radon? Read our recent blog article "What are Radon Levels?" 

Topics: What Is Radon?
6 min read

How Does Radon Affect Your Health?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Nov 3, 2021 4:49:25 PM

Although more and more people are starting to learn about radon, many people still haven't heard of it.

Have you heard of radon?

If you have, it was likely during the sale or purchase of a home.

If you haven't, you'll be surprised to find out that the health effects of radon can be devastating.

So, what is radon, and how does it affect your health?

We'll take a look at that question and more in the article below.

Concerned about one day suffering from radon poisoning? Read our earlier blog post, "A Simple Guide to Radon Testing | How Does it Work and What You Should Know"

Topics: Health Affects Of Radon
6 min read

Can I Test For Radon Myself?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Oct 28, 2021 2:55:34 PM

Radon gas comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in rock and soil.

As uranium decays, it produces radon gas that rises from the soil.

Outdoors radon gas isn't a problem, but when it gets in your home and becomes trapped, it causes problems.

Radon gas trapped inside of your home can build up to unsafe levels. After years of exposure to it, you can develop severe health issues like lung cancer.

So what do you do to keep you and your family safe from radon exposure?

Radon is colorless, tasteless, and odorless, so the only way to know if your house has elevated radon levels is to have your home tested.

Fortunately, radon testing is easy, and if you do have elevated levels, it's relatively easy to mitigate.

And since lung cancer is such a devastating disease, testing your home for radon is a no-brainer.

Wondering if there is a way to treat your radon exposure? Read our blog post: "Is There a Cure for Radon Poisoning?

This begs the question, can you test for radon yourself, or is it best left to a professional radon contractor?

We'll take a look at that question in the article below.

Topics: Radon Testing
7 min read

Do I Need To Worry About Radon?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Oct 6, 2021 4:29:45 PM

Radon is an invisible, odorless, tasteless, and deadly gas.

More people die each year from radon poisoning than auto accidents, falls, and house fires combined.

So, do you need to worry about radon?

Yes, but you don't need to panic.

It's not fun to think about radon because it is a severe health problem that could require some substantial improvements to your home.

But, you do need to be aware of radon. If your home has elevated radon levels, it is pretty simple to reduce radon exposure in your home with a mitigation system.

The article below will discuss why you need to worry about radon and what you can do about it. 


Table of Contents


What is Radon?

Radon is a tasteless, odorless, and invisible gas made up of radioactive elements.

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas produced by the breakdown of uranium in soil, rock, and water.

Radon exposure is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, right behind smoking.

Radon-related lung cancer kills around 21,000 people each year, which is even more tragic when you consider that you can quickly remedy exposure to the gas.

The amount of work you need will depend on how much radon gas is in your home and what style of house you have, but overall it is pretty simple and affordable.

According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), the threat of radon exists in every state.

Because the air pressure inside your home, school, or workplace is usually lower than the pressure in the soil around its foundation, radon enters into buildings like your home through cracks in the foundation, walls, and other openings. 

What Are The Symptoms Of Radon Exposure In Your Home?

Since radon is colorless, tasteless, odorless, and invisible, it is impossible to tell if radon is in your home without air radon tests.

There are DIY tests available. However, for best results, you should work with a radon expert to have your home tested.

Radon testing specialists can test your home and help you lower your radon levels if elevated.

Possible symptoms of radon exposure and lung cancer are:

  • shortness of breath (difficulty breathing)
  • a new or worsening cough
  • pain or tightness in the chest
  • hoarseness
  • trouble swallowing

If you're a smoker and there's an exposure chance to high levels of radon over a prolonged period, it's essential to quit smoking.

Is It Common To Have Radon In Your Home?

Estimations say that one out of about every fifteen homes in the United States has elevated radon levels.

That means that elevated levels of radon gas have been found in homes in your state and possibly your neighborhood.

Since it's so common to have elevated radon levels in your home, and radon exposure can result in severe health risks, it's essential to have your house tested as soon as possible.

Mitigation can fix homes with radon gas, but you need to take action as soon as possible.

Many people wonder if the seasons change radon levels. Read our blog post: "What Time of Year are Radon Levels the Highest?"

Is There A Safe Level Of Radon?

The only safe level of radon is zero.

Radon levels measure in picocuries per liter, or pCi/L.

Levels of 4 pCi/L or higher are considered hazardous to your health, and you need to take action against radon if your levels are higher than 4 pCi/L.

Still, radon levels less than four pCi/L can pose a risk and, in many cases, can be reduced, but it's harder to reduce levels below 2 pCi/L. 

So, the lowest level you can get is the safest, but the EPA recommends reducing them to at least four pCi/L.

Think of it as being in a water balloon fight.

If one guy throws one water balloon at you, you have a better chance of dodging it.

But if 1,000 people throw a water balloon at you, you're going to get hit.

That's why the lower your levels are, the better, but you could still get hit no matter how low they are.


You Can Fix Your Radon Problems

The good news is that even though you can't stop radon from emerging out of the soil, a radon mitigation system can safely vent it from your home.

The average cost of a mitigation system is between $800 and $1,200, but it can be more or less depending on the size of your home.

Standard radon mitigation systems drill a gap underneath your home to trap the radon. Then a radon fan forces the radon out through a vent pipe over your home.

Using passive depressurization avoids using a fan by taking advantage of your home's naturally rising air to expel the harmful radon gas.

But passive systems aren't as effective as fan systems in homes with high levels of radon.

You can also help make your home radon-resistant by sealing it to minimize the chances of radon getting in, but this isn't as effective as a radon mitigation system.

A local radon expert can help you determine which system is right for you.

When choosing the radon testing specialists to work with, be sure to check for state licensing and local requirements.

If you have a mitigation system installed, be sure to schedule a follow-up radon test to verify that the radon has been removed or lowered. 

Radon Eliminator

The team at Radon Eliminator in Ohio understands that radon is something to worry about and that radon poisoning poses severe health risks.

If you're worried your home might have elevated levels of radon, or you're worried you have symptoms of radon poisoning, you should have your home tested right away.

If your home has an elevated level of radon gas, you and your family could be at risk of developing lung cancer.

Radon Eliminator can test your home, and if your radon levels come back high, we can install a professional radon reduction system to lower the radon levels in your home.

To take action and get started with Radon Eliminator, click the button below for a discounted test.

Get a Discounted test

Topics: risks of radon
7 min read

Is There A Cure For Radon Poisoning?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 26, 2021 3:03:41 PM

Unfortunately, there is no cure or treatments available to treat radon poisoning.

If you think you may be suffering from radon poisoning, it's essential to limit further exposure to radon as much as possible.

This will keep further lung damage from developing and keep other symptoms from worsening.

Any potential source of radon should be tested, especially in your home.

If tests come back showing that your home has high radon levels, you need to take immediate steps to reduce the radon levels in your home.

This will also reduce your risk of lung cancer.

In the article below, we will talk about radon and what you should do if you suspect you have radon poisoning.


Topics: radon poisoning
9 min read

What Are The Symptoms of Radon Poisoning?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 20, 2021 11:53:52 AM

Radon is the second largest cause of lung cancer in the United States. As a result, it is essential to understand what it is, why it's dangerous, and what you need to do if you ever show the signs and symptoms of radon gas poisoning.

In the article below, we'll talk about what radon is, its exposure signs and symptoms, what to do if you think you've been exposed, the radon testing process, and what you can do to protect your family from the dangers of radon.

Knowing what radon is and staying informed about the symptoms of radon gas exposure is the best way to keep you and your family safe and prevent exposure.

7 min read

What Time Of Year Are Radon Levels Highest?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 10, 2021 12:31:22 PM

Radon is a constant problem you need to be aware of all year long.

But are there certain times of year or conditions that can cause radon levels to be higher?

Your indoor radon level tends to be higher during the winter months, but some things can cause radon exposure to be just as high during the summer months.

There are several factors related to seasonal variations and human behavior that affect radon levels.

So, what time of year are radon levels highest?

We'll look at that and more in the article below.

Topics: radon levels
7 min read

What Does Radon Mitigation Cost?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 2, 2021 1:22:30 PM

Radon gas enters your home when it escapes from the soil under your house, and warm air rises from crawl spaces or the lowest level of your home and enters the upper floors.

This creates a vacuum in the lower levels that pulls air and radon through pores and cracks in the walls and foundation of your home.

It's recommended that everyone has their home tested for radon.

When you test your home and find that you have an elevated radon level which is four picocuries per liter of air or higher, the EPA recommends that you have it reduced to protect your health.

The first question most people have when they find they need a radon mitigation system is; "How much does it cost?"

In the article below, we will discuss a few things that influence the cost of a radon mitigation system.

Is your home in need of radon mitigation? Schedule an appointment with Radon Eliminator today!

Topics: Radon Mitigation
7 min read

Why Is Radon Gas Dangerous At High Levels

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Feb 3, 2021 3:00:00 PM

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas produced when uranium, thorium, and radium break down in soil, rocks, or water.

Topics: radon gas
8 min read

A Simple Guide To Radon Testing | How Does It Work And What You Should Know

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Feb 2, 2021 1:49:00 PM

Just a little over a decade ago, very little was known about radon.

Topics: Radon Testing
8 min read

What Should I Know About Radon Before Buying A House?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Feb 1, 2021 11:45:00 AM

Buying a new house can be stressful and exciting at the same time.

Topics: radon in homes
6 min read

Is My Home At Risk For Radon?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jan 29, 2021 1:14:00 PM

With a lot of attention on lung and respiratory health because of COVID-19, it's important to know everything that can damage your lungs.

5 min read

What Is The Average Level of Radon in an Ohio Home?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jan 28, 2021 12:53:00 PM

When searching for a new home, safety is important.

Topics: radon in ohio
9 min read

Is There Radon In My Granite Countertops?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jan 27, 2021 10:15:00 AM

Natural granite's beauty lies in its vast array of colors and patterns, created from the presence of elements and minerals in the rock. 

Topics: Radon Testing
6 min read

Why Radon Needs To Be Taken Seriously

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jan 26, 2021 9:30:00 AM

Most people think that they are aware of everything that could be harming them in their homes.

Topics: radon dangers
7 min read

Effective Radon Mitigation Methods

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jan 25, 2021 11:30:00 AM

Do you know if you need to install a radon mitigation system? 

Topics: Radon Mitigation
8 min read

Who Is At Risk For Radon Exposure?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jan 22, 2021 11:17:46 AM

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas you can't see, feel taste, or smell.

Topics: radon exposure
16 min read

10 Myths About Radon Busted By The EPA

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jul 1, 2020 10:15:00 AM

Radon is an invisible gas formed in the Earth's crust. It surrounds every one of us as part of the air we breathe.


The rocks and soil beneath our homes contain traces of uranium. Over time, the uranium breaks down and forms other elements. This is called radioactive decay. Radon is one link in the decay chain of uranium.


Radon is the number one cause of lung cancer among non-smokers. If considered as a separate disease, lung cancer in people who have never smoked would rank seventh in global cancer mortality.


Approximately 21,000 people die from radon-related lung cancer every year in the United States alone.


All the while, some people still think radon poisoning is nothing but "hype," and it's nothing we need to worry about.


In the article below, we will go over ten myths about radon that have been busted by the EPA.


Want to learn where Radon comes from? Read our blog post: "Where Does Radon Come From?


Topics: myths busted
15 min read

Will Sealing My Basement Floor Help Lower Radon Levels?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jun 24, 2020 10:30:00 AM

If you know a little bit about radon, you know that it can get into your home through cracks in the foundation of your home.


Because of that, we are often asked if coating basement floors can help mitigate radon.


Many people who ask this question aren't sure if they have a radon problem or not, they just want to get ahead of it if they do.


Our first recommendation is to test your home for radon to see if you have elevated levels.


If you do have elevated levels, you should install a radon mitigation system with a trusted company like Radon Eliminator.


But, does an epoxy coating on your basement floor help in the fight against elevated levels of radon?


In the article below, we will talk about epoxy coatings and other floor sealing systems and their impact on radon transmission into your home.


Read our blog post: "10 Myths About Radon Busted By the EPA" to learn the truth about Radon exposure. 


Topics: basement
16 min read

The Signs and Symptoms of Lung Cancer

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jun 23, 2020 11:00:00 AM

Did you know that lung cancer is the second most common type of cancer in adults in the United States? 


It is also the leading cause of death from cancer.


Treatment for lung cancer is much more effective when the disease is caught in its earlier stages. 


Unfortunately, though, most people with lung cancer do not experience symptoms until the disease has spread.


Some people do experience subtle symptoms of early-stage lung cancer, but these symptoms more often stem from other health issues or factors such as smoking.


Most people know that smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer deaths in the United States.


Many people have no idea that the second leading cause of lung cancer is due to exposure to radon gas. 


Long term exposure to elevated levels of radon gas in your home will put you and your family at risk for lung cancer.


In the article below, we describe early symptoms of lung cancer, when to see a doctor, and testing your home for radon.


Radon is dangerous. Read our blog post "Radon is Deadlier Than What?" to learn more. 


Topics: Radon and Lung Cancer
13 min read

Radon Is Deadlier Than What?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jun 19, 2020 2:15:00 PM

Radon gas may be a danger to you and your family, but what is it?


Many people have heard about radon, but don't know much about it.


And there are still people who haven't even heard of radon.


Luckily, there is more and more information coming out about the dangers of radon and how to prevent them.


And there are companies like Radon Eliminator that can take you from the testing phase all the way to the mitigation phase to make sure your home is safe for all of its occupants.


In the article below, we will talk about radon and how dangerous it actually is.


Now that we understand how dangerous radon is it begs the question, how is one exposed to Radon? Read our blog post: “How Do You Get Radon Poisoning?” for more information.

Topics: radon dangers
4 min read

How Do You Know If You've Been Exposed To Radon?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jun 15, 2020 12:46:00 PM

If there is a radioactive gas in your home, you definitely want to know if you're being exposed to it.

Radon is a dangerous, potentially deadly radioactive gas that can be affecting millions of people every single day.

Radon can be found in the soil under our houses, where it can eventually seep into our water and the air inside of your home.

So, how do you know if you're being exposed to radon?

We'll answer that question below.

Topics: radon poisoning
15 min read

How Do You Get Radon Poisoning?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jun 11, 2020 12:24:59 PM

Radon poisoning is a potentially deadly health concern that few people know about.


Luckily, if proper precautions are taken, radon poisoning can be prevented.


In the article below, we will discuss how people get radon poisoning and the steps to take to prevent it.


Topics: radon poisoning
13 min read

What Homebuyers Need To Know About Radon

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Apr 6, 2020 5:05:05 PM

Purchasing a new home can be stressful and exciting all at the same time. 


In addition to choosing your dream home that suits your budget and lifestyle, you have to be sure it's in good structural condition and harbors no hazards.


One of those hazards that many people don't know about is high levels of radon gas.


You can't see it, smell it, or taste it, but radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer right behind cigarette smoking.


However, having radon in your dream home doesn't have to be a deal-breaker. 

In the article below, we will discuss radon gas in-depth and what you need to know about it before you buy your new home.


Topics: Radon in New Homes
13 min read

How Dangerous Is Radon For Your Pets?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Apr 1, 2020 10:30:17 AM

Most of us have heard the phrase, "If you have lungs, you can get lung cancer." 


Many of us also know the number one cause of lung cancer is cigarette smoke.


Fewer people know about radon, the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. 


Fortunately, we are seeing more and more efforts encouraging radon testing in homes and schools.


High radon levels have been detected throughout the country, putting millions of people in danger. 


What gets even less attention, though, is the effect of radon on animals. 


If you own a pet, then you want to do everything that you can to protect it from harm. Pets are members of the family, and our pets spend a great deal of time inside the home. 


This means that they are vulnerable to any dangers that lurk in your home as well, which certainly includes radon gas.


Radon is a potential danger for everyone. Read our blog post: "Woman with Terminal Lung Cancer Urgest Ohio Schools to Test for Radon."



In the article below, we will take a look at the effect radon gas has on our pets, and more specifically, our cats and dogs.

Topics: radon and pets
11 min read

Maintaining Your Radon Mitigation System

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Mar 13, 2020 2:41:58 PM

Once you've discovered your home has elevated levels of radon, you need to have a radon mitigation system installed.


But once your mitigation system is installed, how much maintenance is required?


In this post, we'll cover general visual inspection and maintenance tips you can do as a homeowner to check and maintain your radon system.  


Topics: Radon Mitigation
7 min read

Radon Resistant Construction For Homeowners

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jan 10, 2020 10:20:46 AM

The presence of radon in your home can be a serious health concern for you and your family.

In Ohio, two geological phenomena put most of the state in the highest risk category for radon.

One is sediment that was deposited by glaciers; the other is shale outcropping. Both are associated with high amounts of radon.

That puts many Ohio homes in danger of having too much radon.

To combat the elevated levels of radon, many new homes are built to resist radon with a passive radon system.

These systems can assist in lowering the radon in your home, but you can't assume that it will be enough to maintain safe radon levels.

Even though passive radon systems can reduce overall radon levels by 50%, it is still essential to have your home tested for elevated levels of radon.

Don't know much about radon? Read our blog post: "A Brief History of Radon.

In the article below, we will talk about radon and what radon-resistant new construction is.

Topics: radon resistant home
6 min read

A Brief History Of Radon

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Nov 14, 2019 9:54:13 AM

Radon is a radioactive gas that occurs naturally in the atmosphere.

Radon is a result of the decay of the elements radium, uranium, and thorium.

It is colorless, tasteless, and odorless, and completely undetectable to humans.

It's an inert gas, so it is inactive chemically and only combines with other substances under extreme conditions.

It's the heaviest known gas, and it's considered a health hazard due to its radioactivity.

Trace amounts of radon can be found in almost every breath we take, but radon that is breathed outside is typically harmless.

The issues with radon arise when it is allowed to build up inside of a home or workplace.

Radon has no known biological purpose, but experts believe that it has played a significant role in evolution since radiation is required for genetic modifications to take place.

Want more information about the amount of potential radon in your home? Read our blog post: "What are Radon Levels.

In the article below, we will take a brief look at radon and its history.

Topics: history of radon
5 min read

Woman With Terminal Lung Cancer Urges Ohio Schools To Test For Radon

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Nov 11, 2019 11:08:25 AM

The last thing anyone wants to hear during a visit with their doctor is, "you've got cancer."

Luckily, medicine is progressing, and we can fight cancer more than we ever have before.

But, not all cancers are created equal, and some are scarier than others.

One of the scariest is lung cancer.

Did you know that lung cancer is the leading cancer killer of both men and women in the United States?

It also has one of the lowest five-year survival rates of any cancer type.

Lung cancer is so deadly because it is so hard to find during the early stages.

Lung cancer can grow inside of you for years before it is discovered because there typically aren't any symptoms early on.

Once you notice the symptoms, cancer has often spread to other parts of your body.

Now you might be thinking, "I don't smoke, I won't get lung cancer."

Lung cancer is caused by more than cigarettes.

Radon, the second leading cause of lung cancer, is completely undetectable, and 21,000 people die from lung cancer because of it every single year.

A central Ohio woman was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer due to radon, and now she is urging all the schools in her area to test for radon.

This can happen to anyone. Read our blog post: "Is Your House Plagued By Radon?"

In the article below, we will learn about radon and what Annie Cacciato wants to do to prevent it.

Topics: radon in schools
5 min read

What Are Radon Levels?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Nov 1, 2019 9:56:59 AM

Measuring the radon levels in your home is key to keeping everyone inside safe, and the only way to measure the levels is with a radon detector.

What is an acceptable radon level can vary from one country or state to the next, and those acceptable levels will depend on the type of rocks and soil that are beneath your home and the time you spend inside.

However, there is one thing that remains universal: radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer.

About 21,000 people die every year from radon-related lung cancer in the United States.

That's reason enough to find if you and your family are being exposed to excessive levels of the dangerous gas.

Radon levels can fluctuate daily, so you need to get a long-term test for your home or monitor your levels daily.

Many people don't know how dangerous radon can be. For more information read our blog post: "Radon Gas Really is Dangerous... and There's Science to Prove It." here

In the article below, we will discuss exactly what the radon levels are and what it means for you and your family.

Have more questions? Read our blog post: "8 Frequently Asked Radon Gas Questions."

Topics: radon levels
4 min read

Radon Gas Really Is Dangerous...And There's Science To Prove It

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Oct 22, 2019 10:37:26 AM

As the second leading cause of lung cancer, behind only smoking, you would think that people would be worried about it.

We should be doing all we can to combat this dangerous gas, but it isn't getting the attention it deserves.

In fact, there are still many people that doubt the fact that radon gas is even dangerous.

There are even entire websites online dedicated to "disproving the myth," saying that the evidence that radon is dangerous is purely fictional.

It's just a conspiracy, according to them.

If you ask them, they will say it's just a money grab from "big radon" trying to get your money to perform useless tests.

Or, you can ask the families of the nearly 21,000 Americans who died of lung cancer last year and see what they say about radon gas.

The unfortunate truth is that radon gas can be hazardous to your health when you're exposed to it over long periods of time.

It has even been estimated that one in fifteen homes in the United States has elevated levels of radon, putting everyone inside at risk. And the worse part is that the homeowners have no idea.

That's because radon is odorless, tasteless, and invisible. It's completely undetectable to humans.

The only way to know you have elevated levels of radon is to test for it - or get a lung cancer diagnosis.

In the article below, we will go over the science proving the dangers of radon gas in hopes that it can save a few lives.

Topics: radon dangers
6 min read

Is Your House Plagued By Radon?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Oct 21, 2019 12:11:58 PM

Everyone knows cigarette smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer in the United States.

But do you know what the second leading cause of lung cancer is?

Is it second-hand smoke? Is it smog or some other pollutant in our air supply.

It's not. It's something you might not have ever heard of.

And what's worse is that your home could be filled with it, poisoning you and everyone else in your home, without even realizing it.

The second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States is radon.

Radon is an odorless, colorless, tasteless, naturally occurring radioactive gas.

When inhaled into the lungs, radon can damage your DNA and increase your risk of lung cancer.

Exposure to radon gas, which enters your home through cracks in your home's walls and foundation, can dramatically increase your risk of lung cancer.

Every year in the United States, about 21,000 people die from lung cancer brought on by radon poisoning.

Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers, and people who smoke or who have smoked have a higher chance of developing lung cancer if they are exposed to radon.

The lung cancer risk from radon exposure occurs over many years of high-level exposure. For more information read our blog post: "How Long Does it Take for Radon to Give You Lung Cancer?"

It's entirely possible to be exposed to radon for several years - even decades- because there's no way to know your home has radon unless you test for it.

And many people never test for it because they don't even know it exists.

In the article below, we will talk about the dangers of radon and the importance of having your home tested.

Topics: radon poisoning
6 min read

How Long Does It Take For Radon To Give You Lung Cancer?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Oct 8, 2019 3:37:05 PM

We can't see it, smell it, or taste it, but it might be in your home. And it could give you lung cancer.

Radon, a radioactive gas, enters your body when you breathe it in, and every time you do, it's increasing your chances of lung cancer.

It's estimated that every year, radon in homes causes 21,000 lung cancer deaths. That's second only to smoking.

Among non-smokers, radon is the leading cause of lung cancer.

Radiation is called the "complete carcinogen" because it can initiate, promote, and propagate cancer.

The primary site of radon poisoning is inside of your home.

The average person receives more radiation from their homes than from all other natural or man-made sources combined.

Radon is a proven and very potent "Class A" carcinogen.

Safety limits on toxins or carcinogens in food or water are set at levels a thousand times less lethal than what is the risk from radon in an average American home.

Radon is very dangerous, and we could be breathing it in every day without realizing it.

Unfortunately, most people don't know they've been exposed to radon gas until they've been diagnosed with lung cancer.

Thinking about using a home test to detect radon in your home? Read our blog post: "Are Home Radon Test Kits Accurate?

In the article below, we will discuss radon and lung cancer, and how long it might take radon to give you lung cancer.

Topics: Radon and Lung Cancer
6 min read

Are Home Radon Test Kits Accurate?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Oct 7, 2019 10:42:01 AM

Radon is a hidden danger in the homes of hundreds of people, but they don't even realize it.

Like carbon monoxide, radon is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, therefore completely undetectable.

Radon occurs naturally in the soil and can be found all over the world.

In extreme cases, radon poisoning leads to death, and people don't realize they have radon poisoning until it's too late.

With something as potentially harmful as radon, people need to know if they are in danger or not.

Also, like carbon monoxide, you can buy radon detectors and testing kits for your home to see if there are elevated levels of radon present.

If you do, you have to be proactive to get the radon out of your home.

But, are the test kits accurate? Should you put the health of you and your family in the hands of an at-home kit?

There is a significant amount of misinformation about what radon can do to your body. Read our blog post: "Can Exposure to Radon Cause Leukemia?

We'll explore that and more in the article below.

Topics: Radon Testing
6 min read

How To Choose The Best Radon Mitigation Company

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Sep 12, 2019 9:47:00 AM

Radon testing and radon mitigation are highly specialized trades.

This is one industry that still hasn't been taken over by the DIYers.

And, selecting the right radon contractor can be a life or death decision.

As the second leading cause of lung cancer in America, radon contributes to more than 21,000 deaths every year.

High levels of radon can occur anywhere in the country. There is no section or area of the country that is completely safe from radon.

Because of this, you want to be sure to select a radon mitigation company that knows what they're doing and can rid your home or business of its radon problem.

When you hire a radon mitigation company, a professional radon contractor will analyze your business or residence and help you choose the best method for radon gas reduction.

They will also make sure the mitigation system they install works properly and lowers the radon levels back to a safe reading.

In the article below, we will talk about things you should consider, and questions you should ask when hiring your radon mitigation company.

Topics: radon mitigation company
5 min read

What Are The Health Risks Of Uranium?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Sep 9, 2019 10:53:00 AM

It's a date we read about in our history books.

August 6, 1945.

On that day, a 10-foot-long bomb fell from the sky over Hiroshima, a city in Japan.

Not even a minute later, everything within a mile of where the bomb detonated ceased to exist.

An enormous firestorm quickly destroyed miles more, killing tens of thousands of people.

It was the first time an atomic bomb had ever been used in warfare.

What made it atomic? What was the element that was used to wreak all of that havoc?

It was uranium.

Uranium is unique because of one of its isotopes, uranium-235, if the only naturally occurring isotopes capable of sustaining a nuclear fission reaction.

Because of this, uranium has to pose several health risks, right?

Other than being turned into an atomic bomb, that is.

In the article below, we'll explore that question, and find out how dangerous uranium is.

Topics: uranium
5 min read

If You Just Bought A Home, This Is What You Need To Know About Radon.

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Sep 6, 2019 4:42:00 PM


Buying a new home is a roller coaster of emotions.

There are just as many ups and downs, and sometimes you aren't sure what they're more of.

One minute you feel like it's the best thing you've ever done.

The next minute you're frozen in fear.

Outside of marriage and children, buying a home is one of the most significant commitments people have throughout their lives.

When you sign that mortgage, you're usually committed for 30 years. 30 years!

You could go through seven, maybe eight different presidents while you're in that house.

So hopefully when you're buying your home, you do your due diligence.

Shop around and never buy the first home you see.

Work with a Realtor that will get you the best deals.

Make sure your house inspector will look through the house your interested in with a fine tooth comb, and leave no stone unturned.

Work with a mortgage broker that will get you good rates, and make sure you know the neighborhood you're moving into.

A good house in a lousy neighborhood sometimes isn't worth it.

You're probably thinking, "I know all of this stuff," and that's good, you should.

But one thing most new homeowners never think of when they move into a new house is the radon levels.

Most people don't even know what radon is.

So in the article below, we will learn about radon and some key facts about radon that every new homeowner should know about.

Topics: radon in homes
5 min read

Can Homes Be Resistant To Radon?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Sep 5, 2019 11:35:00 AM

Radon is a radioactive gas that forms naturally when uranium, thorium, or radium, all radioactive metals, break down in rocks, soil, and groundwater.

People are typically exposed to radon when it gets in the air and comes through cracks and gaps in buildings and homes.

Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, behind only cigarette smoking.

If you smoke, and your home has high levels of radon, you are increasing your risk for lung cancer exponentially.

Having your home tested is the only way to determine whether you and your family are at risk.

Because radon is odorless and tasteless, besides testing for it, the only other way people find out they've been exposed is after they've developed lung cancer.

Because radon comes naturally from the Earth, there is no way to prevent our exposure.

However, is it possible to make our homes "radon-proof?"

We will explore that question below.

Table of Contents 

  1. Radon Resistant New Construction 
  2. What does RRNC Mean? 
  3. All Homes are At Risk for Radon
  4. How Often Should you Test for Radon 
  5. There's no such thing as Radon Resistance 
  6. Schedule a Discounted Radon Test 
Topics: radon resistant home
5 min read

Can Exposure To Radon Cause Leukemia?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Sep 3, 2019 12:42:32 PM

As people become more and more health-conscious, they want to be aware of anything that could be harming them.

People want to be able to eliminate anything that can cause harm or disease so they can live healthy, full lives.

So, when they hear about something colorless, odorless, and tasteless, that can potentially cause severe health problems, they need to know everything about it.

That's just what radon is, and it can cause severe health issues if not dealt with properly.

But, can exposure to radon cause leukemia?

We'll take a look at that and more in the article below.

Topics: radon exposure
4 min read

What is an Acceptable Level of Radon?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Sep 3, 2019 2:05:00 AM

What is an Acceptable Level of Radon? 

Radon gas is a known carcinogen, which means it can cause cancer, in fact, radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. 

This invisible, odorless, and tasteless gas if found in both soil and rock that we build our homes on. Radon is in the air that we breath around us, however, outdoor levels of radon are relatively low, and do not posses a health risk due to exposure. 

When radon leaves the soil and rock from beneath a home or building, it seeps inside and becomes trapped, causing much higher concentration levels than the outside levels, which is why there is a potential health risk of breathing in and living in a home with high concentration levels of radon. 

Most Ohioans have to keep all of their doors and widows shut for the majority of the year. Whether it is because of extremely cold weather, or very hot weather, most people are not able to air out their home 24/7. 

Some people believe that opening a window will change a homes radon levels. Read our blog post: "Does Opening a Window Reduce Radon?

Even if windows are open for a short period of time, it's not enough to keep high concentration levels of radon from returning after several hours. 

This leads many people to wonder, what exactly is an acceptable level of radon? 

Topics: radon exposure
6 min read

Radon Vs. Asbestos

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Sep 2, 2019 8:55:00 AM

When you're purchasing a home, you probably have a list of things you'd like it to have.

You probably have some "must haves" and some things that would be nice, but not absolutely necessary.

Maybe you want 2.5 baths. Or you can't have a home without a front porch.

Maybe a pool with a nice pool deck would be nice, but not necessary.

 If you've ever purchased a home, you've had one of those lists.

Those lists, however, are mostly filled with aesthetics, leaving off the "functional" items.

It's assumed everyone wants a house that has a roof with no leaks.

And no one wants to buy a house where the plumbing doesn't work.

Those things are obvious; they don't need to be added to your list.

There are a few things that aren't obvious or aesthetic that can be easily looked over.

A couple of things no one wants in their new home, but can sometimes slip through the cracks.

I'm talking about asbestos and radon.

These are two completely different things, but if you find a house with them, you want to steer clear.

Or if the house you're currently living in has them, you need to get them removed.

Below we will learn more about asbestos and radon.

Topics: radon
4 min read

Can you Install a Radon Mitigation System in a Finished Basement?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 30, 2019 10:31:00 AM

Can you Install a Radon Mitigation System in a Finished Basement? 

If you just had your home tested for Radon Gas and found out that you need a Radon Mitigation System installed because of the high concentration levels, your main concern may be whether or not that is possible due to your basement being finished. 

Have more questions about Radon Mitigation? Read our blog post: "The Ultimate Guide to Radon Mitigation.

Topics: Radon Mitigation Near Me
3 min read

How is Radon Linked to Uranium?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 29, 2019 12:33:00 PM

How is Radon Linked to Uranium?

You may know that Radon Gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, but what you may not know, is how radon is linked to uranium. 

Topics: uranium
4 min read

What you Need to know about Radon in the Winter

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 28, 2019 1:04:00 PM

What you should know about Radon in the Winter 

For us Ohioans winter is quickly approaching, and for most of us, we have probably already bolted up our homes and turned on the heat. With our homes sealed and the heat on, there is not much air flow from outdoors to indoors. So what does this mean? 

Topics: radon exposure
6 min read

Will Radon Give Me Headaches?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 27, 2019 10:25:02 AM

Hopefully you've heard of radon and radon poisoning by now, but many people haven't.

If you haven't heard of radon yet, it's a radioactive gas that can be extremely dangerous in high quantities.

Radon is a naturally occurring element that develops from the radioactive decay of radium.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classes radon as a carcinogen, meaning that radon poisoning can lead to cancer.

Radon is actually the leading cause of lung cancer, right behind smoking, claiming nearly 21,000 lives a year.

A question we get a lot here at Radon Eliminator is, "what are the symptoms of radon exposure?"

People want to know if the pain they're experiencing is due to elevated levels of radon.

And, more specifically, they want to know if they get their headaches because of radon exposure.

Even if you don't have headaches, are you concerned you may have been exposed to radon? Read our blog post: "Am I at Risk for Radon Poisoning?

In the article below, we'll talk about radon poisoning, and find out if you can blame your headaches on radon exposure.

Topics: radon symptoms
4 min read

Does Radon Cause Headaches?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 26, 2019 11:08:00 AM

Does Radon Cause Headaches? 

This potentially deadly force is all around us, although few are truly aware of its presence or the dangers that it may possess. With the right knowledge, you can protect yourself from this hidden hazard by equipping yourself with the tools to better understand this element and it's potential dangerous effects that it can have on your body. 

Topics: radon symptoms
6 min read

Am I At Risk For Radon Poisoning?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 23, 2019 3:31:08 PM

The dangers of radon gas are finally starting to become mainstream, and it's about time.

Did you know that radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer, right behind cigarette smoking?

And, did you know that most people don't realize they've been exposed to radon until they've been diagnosed with lung cancer?

It's a scary thought, and it's one we don't want you to worry about.

So, how do you know if you're at risk for radon poisoning or lung cancer before the diagnosis?

Concerned you potentially may have been exposed to high levels of radon? Read our blog post: "What are the Signs Your Home Has a Radon Problem?"

We'll explore that question and more below.

Topics: radon poisoning
4 min read

Does Opening a Window Reduce Radon?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 23, 2019 9:13:00 AM

Will Opening the Windows Reduce the Radon Levels in my Home? 

Radon is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless radioactive gas that comes from the natural decay of uranium found inside soil and rock. 

Radon escapes from the soil and rock beneath the earth and finds its way into homes through openings and cracks in the foundation. Once inside, it becomes trapped, and in some homes it can accumulate to very high levels. 

Radon frequently enters the house through the basement. This begs the question: “Can You Install a Radon Mitigation System in a Finished Basement?” Read our blog post to find out!

Topics: radon exposure
4 min read

What Does Radon Smell Like? Does it have a Scent?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 22, 2019 8:37:00 AM

What does Radon Smell Like? 

There are many things that Ohio residents do not know about radon gas, despite it being the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States.

Many people are under the impression that radon has an odor, and if they are not smelling a funny odor in their basement than that must mean their home does not contain radon. 

We are here to tell you that Radon Gas has NO smell. 

That's right, we hate to be the ones to break it to you, but radon doesn't smell like anything at all. It is a completely odorless, colorless, and tasteless gas, which is one thing that makes it so dangerous, it's completely undetectable without proper testing equipment. 

For more information on detecting high radon levels read our blog post: "What Are The Signs Your Home Has A Radon Problem?

Topics: radon
4 min read

Former USA Hockey Star Blames Radon For Her Lung Cancer

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 20, 2019 4:47:00 PM

If you aren't familiar with Radon, you're not alone.

Most people are unaware of what radon is, and that is very unfortunate.

Cancer.org defines radon as a colorless, odorless, radioactive gas.

It forms naturally from the decay of radioactive elements like uranium that are found in soil and rock throughout the world.

Once in the soil, radon gas can move into the air and underground water and surface water.

Now, you might be wondering why cancer.org has a definition of radon on their website.

It's because behind only smoking; radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer.

It's responsible for between 15,000 to 22,000 deaths a year.

Hopefully now I have your attention.

Radon can be in your house right now, penetrating cracks in your foundation and floors, or seeping into your water supply without you knowing it.

That was the case for the former USA hockey star Rachael Malmberg.

We'll talk about her story below.

For more information about uranium and radon risks to your wellbeing, read our blog post "What are the Health Risks of Uranium." here

Topics: Radon and Lung Cancer
4 min read

Can I Sell My Home if it Has High Radon Levels?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 16, 2019 1:44:00 PM

Can I Sell my Home if it has High Radon Levels? 

Selling a home is often a very stressful process. Trying to prepare your home so it's presentable to strangers can be very frustrating. You want your home to sell, but the fact is, making it appealing to a wide variety of prospective buyers can be enough to drive you mad. 

Topics: radon in homes
5 min read

Can You Reduce Radon By Opening Windows?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 15, 2019 4:43:10 PM

Radon is a colorless, odorless, radioactive gas that comes from decaying uranium.

Radon is present in nearly all soils, and very low levels of radon gas are found in the air we breathe every day.  

Problems arise when radon gas enters your home and gets trapped.

If you're exposed to radon over long periods of time, you may develop lung cancer. Radon poisoning is the second leading cause of lung cancer, right behind cigarettes.

Radon gas begins in the soil, and enters your home through cracks in your walls or foundation. Any house, of any age, in any state can have elevated radon levels.

The amount of radon gas that gets into your home depends on how much radon is present in the soil surrounding your house, and how your house interacts with the soil.

Your neighbors home could be completely safe, while you're radon levels could prove to be dangerous. That's why it is important to know you;re levels, and not just assume you're safe.

So, how do we get rid of radon? If elevated levels are due to the gas being trapped inside, is opening the windows enough to make your house safe?

We'll look at that and more below.

Topics: radon safety
6 min read

The Tourists Who Soak Up Radon

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 14, 2019 3:54:00 PM

People are becoming more and more health conscious with every passing year.

Good health and longevity have become a priority for many people, and they will go to great lengths to achieve it.

Cigarette smoking, once a status symbol among the "cool" and "hip," is now all but demonized.

Most indoor establishments have banned it, college campuses have made it illegal to have a cigarette altogether, and you rarely ever see anyone smoke a cigarette in TV or movies anymore.

There's a new fad diet that pops up every couple of weeks, whether it's plant-based, paleo, whole30, weight watchers, or one of the many, many others.

Exercising has never been more in demand. The rise of the "fitness entrepreneur" is proof of that.

People won't go near things that have been proven to cause cancer and for a good reason. No one wants cancer.

If something is known to be a carcinogen, it must come with a warning, or there could be grounds for a lawsuit.

But what if I told you there's a place in Montana where people willingly expose themselves to high levels of carcinogens.

They are willing to breathe in air and drink water full of the second leading cause of lung cancer in America.

I'm talking about radon, and there's a place in Montana where people pay to inhale and drink radon.

Sounds crazy, but it's real.

We'll learn more about it in the article below.

Radon is not just a threat to those who spend times in caves. Radon in the home is a serious problem. For more information, read our blog post "The Connection Between Radon and Real Estate." here. 

Topics: radon
6 min read

The Connection between Radon and Real Estate

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 12, 2019 11:10:00 AM

Radon and Real Estate 

In more recent years, people have been concerned about Radon Gas levels before purchasing a home. Many people are having radon testing performed as part of their home inspection. 


While Radon Testing and Mitigation may not be mandatory procedures during a real estate transaction, the results of a radon test are subject to real estate disclosure laws. This means, if a radon test is performed, the owner of the home is then required to reveal the results to any potential buyers.

In other words, if a home is tested by a potential buyer, and that buyer backs out for any reason, the owner of the home is now required to provide those test results to the next person looking to purchase the home, even if the next person has not requested a radon test. 

Radon does not need to prohibit or delay a real estate transaction, here's what you need to do. 

Building a home? Read our blog post: “Radon Resistant Construction for Homeowners.

Topics: radon in homes
5 min read

Radon And Your Basement Gym

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 10, 2019 3:03:00 PM

More and more people are becoming health conscious these days.

People are watching what they eat and exercising on a regular basis.

They don't just want to live longer; they want to live healthier.

But not everyone has the time or the ability to join a gym. Getting ready and the commute itself takes up enough time as it is.

Then you have to hope that no one is using the machines you need, and there's always that awkward guy grunting in the mirror you have to deal with.

That's why more and more people are turning their basements into a home gym.

With just a few pieces of equipment, you can replicate just about anything in your basement that you can do in a gym, without the hassle or the membership fee.

But are there any side effects to working out in your basement?

One of them that you'd likely never know about is working out in elevated levels of radon.

Your basement is prone to higher levels of radon, so you have to wonder how many people are unknowingly exposing themselves to cancer-causing gas.

Concerned your basement may have high levels of radon? Learn what you can do with this blog post: "Protect Your Home With These Radon Detectors." 

Topics: radon safety
4 min read

Can Commercial Properties have Radon Gas?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 8, 2019 9:03:00 AM

Can Radon be a Problem in Commercial Buildings? 

Many people think of Radon Gas as a problem associated with residential homes. Of course it is extremely important to know if there is elevated radon levels in your home, however, you shouldn't overlook the risk of radon inside of commercial buildings. 

There are a countless number of people who spend eight hours or more per day inside the same office or work space. This is a substantial amount of time, and if radon levels inside your workplace are high, then you have an increased risk of contracting lung cancer. 

It is up to the owner of the building or the employer to ensure they are proving a safe work environment for their employees, and this should include commercial radon testing and mitigation services if needed to remove excess gas from the property. 

Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United Sates, causing around 20,000 deaths per year. Although radon is dangerous inside homes, it can still be a serious problem inside commercial property buildings. 

Topics: Commercial Radon Testing and Mitigation
7 min read

Protect Your Home With These Radon Detectors

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 6, 2019 2:12:00 PM

Radon gas is a natural gas that occurs naturally all around the world.

However, when it's found in high concentrations in homes, schools, or businesses, it poses health risks to everyone who is exposed to it.

There are several things you can do to combat the risks of radon, like having your home tested and mitigated by professionals.

Another way to combat this risk is to buy radon detectors that can detect radon gas in homes and wells, with the hope of preventing any potential adverse effects.

In the article below, we'll learn a little more about radon, and talk about five of the best radon detectors available.

Just bought your dream home? Read our blog post: "If You Just Bought A Home, This is What You Need to Know."

Topics: radon detector
4 min read

Which Homes are Most Susceptible to Radon?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 2, 2019 10:57:00 AM

Which Homes are More Susceptible to Radon? 

You may have heard of Radon Gas and the health issues it can cause, or you may be hearing about is just now for the very first time. 

Topics: home radon testing
4 min read

Does Radon Stay in the Basement?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jul 31, 2019 2:01:00 PM

Does Radon Stay in the Basement? 

Is there Radon Gas in your Ohio home? Did you test your home for radon and find elevated concentration levels of this radioactive gas inside your home? 

Maybe this is the first you're hearing of radon, you might be wondering why you even need to worry about radon in the first place. Or maybe you're wondering, doesn't radon gas stay in the basement? I don't live in my basement, so what is there to be worried about? 

While those are good questions, the unfortunate answer is NO, radon gas does not just stay in the basement. If there is radon problem in your home, there is a problem throughout your entire home, including your most lived in areas like the living room, bedrooms, and kitchen. 

Topics: Ohio Radon Testing Company
8 min read

6 Things Everyone Should Know About Radon

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jul 29, 2019 11:57:00 AM

Radon is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. There is no way for a human to detect it.

Having your home tested for radon is the only way to know if your home has high levels of radon, a radioactive gas that leads to the risk of lung cancer and other health risks over time with radon exposure.

In the article below, we will discuss the six things everyone should know about radon.

A common concern for people is what they should do immediately after they find out their home or workplace has high levels of radon. Find out more in our blog post:

 Should I Go to the Doctor If I've Been Exposed to Radon?

Topics: radon
5 min read

Building a New Home, Have you Considered Radon?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jun 25, 2019 9:06:20 AM

Radon Gas and New Construction 

If you are in the process of building a new home, there are lots of things to consider, but have you thought about Radon Gas and the impact it can have on you and your family? 

Topics: Radon in New Homes
4 min read

Is Radon Only in Basements?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jun 20, 2019 11:06:36 AM

Is Radon Gas Only Found in Basements?  

Radon Gas is completely colorless, odorless and invisible, making it undetectable without proper testing equipment.

Topics: radon facts
4 min read

Your Home Has High Radon Levels...Now What?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Apr 12, 2019 4:15:24 PM

Everyone's house is at risk.

And, in turn, everyone's health is at risk.

It's a radioactive gas that can't be seen or smelled.

It's not quite as deadly as carbon monoxide, but the health risks are still severe.

Outside of smoking, it's the leading cause of lung cancer.

I'm talking about radon.

If you've already tested and found high levels of radon in your home, it's not too late to fix it.

You'll need to act fast, however, because the longer the radon is in your home, the higher your risk of developing lung cancer.

The EPA says, "you can reduce the levels of radon in your home by 99% if you use a radon reduction system."

There are also steps you can take right now that can help prevent and minimize radon levels from getting too high in your home.

Have you finally found your dream home and it has high levels of radon? Read our blog post: “Buying a Home with Radon Gas, Here’s What You Need to Know.

Topics: Radon Testing
6 min read

A Simple Guide To Radon Poisoning and Its Health Effects

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Mar 29, 2019 11:39:36 AM

Do you know what the leading cause of lung cancer is?

Smoking cigarettes.

Unless you're in denial, everyone knows smoking cigarettes is the leading cause of lung cancer.

But what about the second leading lung cancer?  Any ideas?

Maybe you think it's air pollution like smog caused by vehicles and everything else that pollutes the air.

Nope, not quite.

Then it must be second-hand smoke. Cigarettes are still to blame.

No, it's not second-hand smoke, although you should avoid it at all costs.

Is it occupational exposures to things like harmful chemicals and pollutants?

Still no.

The second leading cause of lung cancer is radon poisoning.

Now you're wondering what radon poisoning is.

Now that you're curious about radon poisoning, you're probably curious about what radon even is.

In the guide below, we will learn about radon and radon poisoning. Read on to learn more.

Radon can wreak disaster on your body. Learn more about it in our blog post: “Does Radon Cause Headaches?”

Topics: radon poisoning
5 min read

What Affects a Radon Test? | Radon Testing Effectiveness

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Mar 19, 2019 10:34:33 AM

Conditions that Affect a Radon Test 

Radon is a radioactive gas that is found in the soil and air that we breathe in. It comes from the break down of uranium in rocks and soil, and although it is a naturally occurring gas, exposure to large amounts of radon can lead to lung cancer. 

Radon gas finds its way from the soil into our homes, potentially making our living space a dangerous place to  live. Once radon is inside a home it become trapped and from there it can build into dangerous levels. 

Since radon has no odor, taste, or smell it is impossible to detect whether or not it is even in your home, let alone if it's at a dangerous level or not.

Having a radon test performed inside your home is the only way to know for sure what you're dealing with, and unfortunately, there are several conditions that can affect a radon test and lead to inaccurate readings. 

Topics: Radon Testing Questions
6 min read

What Are The Signs Your Home Has A Radon Problem?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Feb 11, 2019 10:59:52 AM

For the unfamiliar, radon is an invisible gas formed naturally in the Earth’s crust.

It impacts just about everyone on the planet as it's part of the air we breathe.

Some parts of the planet have high concentrations of radon, while others are lower.

However, nearly all parts of the planet have at least a little bit of radon in the air.

Luckily though, at low doses, radon is relatively harmless.

When the radon levels start to creep up is when you need to start worrying.

In all honesty, the safest level of radon is 0. 

The EPA says that radon gas at a level of 4 pCi/L or higher requires immediate corrective measures to reduce your exposure to radon gas.

When the radon levels get higher than 4 pCi/L is when the health of you and your family is at risk.

The most significant health risk caused by radon is lung cancer.

So, it's in your best interest to know if your home is safe from radon, or if it's time to take corrective action.

Below we'll talk about how it gets into your home, the warning signs, and how to get rid of it.

However, your home isn't the only place that can be in danger of radon poisoning. Read more about it in our blog post: "Can Commercial Properties Have Radon Gas?

Topics: Radon Questions
4 min read

DIY Radon Mitigation, Why It's Not a Good Idea

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jan 14, 2019 11:43:49 AM

The Importance of Having a Professional Install your Radon Mitigation System

Do you have elevated levels of Radon Gas in your Ohio home?

Topics: Radon Questions
5 min read

Radon Danger Zones In Ohio | Which Areas Have The Highest Levels

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jan 11, 2019 9:08:49 AM

If someone asked you what the second leading cause of lung cancer is, could you answer them?


What if they told you that if you're a non-smoker, it's the leading cause of lung cancer.

20,000 lung cancer deaths are caused by it every year.

Still, don't have an answer? Don't worry; you're not alone.

I'll spill the beans. The second leading cause of lung cancer is radon.

That probably sounds familiar, but you might not know exactly what radon is.

It's a colorless, odorless, tasteless radioactive gas.

Completely undetectable by humans.

Radon is produced when radioactive elements, such as uranium, decay. Uranium is found in soil and rocks throughout the world.

If you live in an area where these elements exist, radon could be extremely prevalent.

Are you building a new house? Read our blog post: “What Can I Do to Reduce the Risk of Radon When Building a New Home?” here.

Topics: Radon Ohio
3 min read

Buying A Home With Radon Gas, Here's What You Need to Know

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Dec 5, 2018 12:34:30 PM

What you Should Know about Buying a Home with Radon Gas 

So, you have finally found a home that you want to purchase, after months of searching, you have found your dream home!

Only problem is, you find out there are elevated levels of Radon Gas inside your perfect home, and you're wondering what that means for you. 

Don't panic and think that's it, your dream home is no longer a possibility because that couldn't be further from the truth. 

Yes, it's important to be concerned, Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States and kills more people per year than drunk driving, it is not something to brush aside and take lightly. 

Topics: Radon in New Homes
3 min read

I Have a Radon Problem, What should I do?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Nov 13, 2018 12:08:15 PM

What should I do if I have a Radon Problem? 

Do you have Radon Gas in your Ohio home? If you have recently found out that there are high concentration levels of radon inside your home, you may wondering what to do next. 

Having a radon problem in your home can potentially cause health problems to you and your family.

Once you know that your radon levels are elevated, you do not want to put off taking action. 

So you may be wondering, what exactly you can do now that you know there is a radon problem in your home. 

Topics: When Should I Test for Radon?
4 min read

What Every Home Owner Should Know About Radon Gas

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Oct 12, 2018 2:01:00 PM

Radon Gas-What Every Home Owner Should Know 

Radon Gas is becoming more and more talked about, and that's a good thing. Ten years ago not as many people were aware of radon and the health risks that it presents.

However, with radon being the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, it's becoming more of a talked about topic, especially among homeowners. 

Even if you haven't heard of radon until now, it's been a part of your life, regardless of where you live. It's time you found out the effect it can have you and your health. 

We have come up with some important facts that we believe every homeowner should know about Radon Gas. 

Topics: Radon in New Homes
4 min read

How to Keep Radon out of Your Home

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Sep 20, 2018 10:10:24 AM

Are you aware of the Radon levels inside your Ohio home? Do you know if you are living with cancer-causing gas? 

If you know that your home contains high levels of radon gas, are you wondering how to keep radon out of your home? 

The first thing you need to do is contact a licensed Radon Mitigation company to assess your home and determine the best radon removal option for you. 

Topics: Radon Mitigation Near Me
4 min read

Radon Poisoning Prevention in 2 Steps

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Sep 19, 2018 8:22:08 AM

Radon Poisoning Prevention 

When you hear Radon Poisoning, you may be wondering, what in the world is radon and how is it poisonous? 

Radon gas happens to be the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United Sates, second only to smoking. 

Radon is a radioactive gas that comes from the natural decay of uranium, thorium, and radium, all of which are metals that break down into rocks, soil, and groundwater.

Radon exposure comes from breathing in contaminated air that comes through the cracks and gaps inside homes and buildings. Because radon is a naturally occurring gas that comes from the earth, people are always exposed to it. 

A radon test can be included in a home inspection, but is it common? Read our blog post: "Is Radon Testing Typically a Part of a Home Inspection Process?"

Topics: Radon Mitigation Company Ohio
3 min read

Is Radon Testing Necessary if I Do Not Have a Basement?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 6, 2018 2:26:49 PM


Even single type of home is susceptible to radon gas regardless if there is a basement or not. 
Radon Gas Informational Graphic

If you live in a split level, ranch, 2nd floor apartment, or a 2-story home with a basement, radon is a potential threat to you. 

Why? Because radon comes up out of the ground and enters the home through its foundation, which every home has, each house is susceptible to radon gas.

It makes no difference if the building is old, new, insulated, or drafty.  All types of homes are at risk of radon whether or not they have a basement. 

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Read our blog post: "Radon Poisoning Prevention in 2 Steps."

Topics: Radon Testing
4 min read

Radon Mitigation System Installation Differences

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jun 27, 2018 3:10:00 PM

If your home contains elevated levels of radon gas, you will need a Radon Mitigation System installed to remove the high concentration levels in your home.

For more information on homes with high radon levels, read our blog post: "Is it Safe to Buy a Home with Elevated Radon Levels?"

There are many ways for a home to be built, which means there is more than one way to install a radon mitigation system. There are several options for installation depending on the layout of each home.

When you obtain a price quote from our licensed mitigation specialist they will explain which type of installation will be the most beneficial for your home.

Radon Eliminator offers the highest quality of service. Read more about it in our blog post: "Quality Assurance Guarantee When You Choose Radon Eliminator.

Table of Contents 

  1. Exterior Radon Mitigation System
  2. Interior Radon Mitigation System 
  3. Crawl Space Installation
  4. Passive Mitigation System 
  5. Sump Pump Installation 
  6. Schedule a Free Mitigation Estimate

Some of the options for installation include the following: 

Topics: Radon Mitigation Near Me
5 min read

Where Does Radon Come From?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jun 15, 2018 2:16:26 PM

Where does Radon Gas Come From? 

There are many people who are just hearing about Radon Gas for the first time, so naturally one of their first questions is "Where does Radon Come From?". 

Radon Gas has been a part of this earth for a very long time, coming from the decay of Uranium. It is a naturally occurring gas that comes from the uranium in the earth. You can find trace amounts of uranium in the soil all over the world.

Some areas will contain higher concentrations of Radon Gas than others, which means there are certain areas that will have a higher chance of having a radon problem as well. It can become a problem in homes, schools, and buildings anywhere. 

Want to learn more about Radon and what it does to your wellbeing? Read our blog post: "How Does Radon Affect Your Health?" 

Topics: Radon Mitigation Company Ohio
4 min read

Are There State Laws That Require Radon Testing and Mitigation?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jun 8, 2018 11:50:34 AM

Does the State Require Radon Testing or Mitigation? 

You would think since Radon Gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States that there would be some type of legislation surrounding the issue. Radon causes more than 21,000 deaths per year, which is more than drunk driving!

Unfortunately, there are no state-mandated laws regarding the testing and mitigation of radon from homes or public buildings. 

Although there are no state-mandated laws regarding radon gas, there are Radon Disclosure Laws. 

Today, we are going to dig into the Disclosure Laws, Certification Law and what they mean.

Let's dig in !

Topics: Radon Testing Questions
4 min read

How Long Does A Radon Mitigation System Last?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jun 4, 2018 4:13:20 PM

How Long Will my Radon Mitigation System Last? 

If you just had a Radon Mitigation System installed in your Ohio home, you may be wondering, How Long Will My Mitigation System Last? 

For those of you who may have just moved into a home with an already installed radon mitigation system, you may also be wondering the same thing. 

Or maybe you need to have a radon mitigation system installed, but you want to make sure you aren't going to need to turn around and replace the system a year from now. 

Perhaps your home was built with a radon mitigation system and you are wondering if it is still working. Read our blog post: “My new home came with a builder installed passive radon test.

Topics: Radon Mitigation Near Me
5 min read

What Can I Do to Reduce the Risk of Radon When Building a New Home?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on May 22, 2018 10:58:47 AM

Are you embarking on the exciting journey of building a new home? While it's natural to focus on the aesthetics and structural integrity of your dream abode, there's one crucial factor you shouldn't overlook: radon.

Radon is a radioactive gas that can seep into homes, posing serious health risks, including the risk of lung cancer. The potential dangers stem from prolonged exposure to elevated levels of radon within indoor environments, highlighting the critical importance of mitigating radon exposure to safeguard the health of you and your family. 

But fear not! By taking proactive measures during the construction process, you can significantly reduce the risk of radon infiltration and safeguard the health of your family and future occupants.

Curious about radon? Check out our blog post "8 Frequently Asked Radon Gas Questions"! It's full of helpful information and answers to common radon-related questions!

Topics: Radon in New Homes
6 min read

Why You Shouldn't Choose A Radon Company Only Based On Price

By Radon Eliminator Staff on May 18, 2018 12:07:24 PM

Choosing a Radon Company 

When your home contains elevated levels of Radon Gas and you are deciding which radon company to choose to install your Mitigation System, choosing a company solely based on price could leave you scrambling for help. 

Obviously looking at the cost of the system is going to be a top priority for most people, however, if you run across a price that is substantially lower than the other quotes you received, that does not necessarily mean jump on the "deal" you think you're getting without looking a little deeper.

Want to learn more about radon and its effects on your family? Read our blog post " Are There Any Symptoms of Radon Poisoning?" here!

Topics: Radon Mitigation Company Ohio
5 min read

How To Make Sure Your Radon System Was Installed Properly?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on May 17, 2018 10:23:46 AM

Maybe you have just had a Radon Mitigation System installed, or perhaps you have had one in your home for several years, either way, the question may have come up, "how do I know if my radon mitigation system was installed properly?". 

Knowing whether or not your mitigation system was installed properly is important from a health perspective as well as financial.

You want to make sure your money went to good use, and the system that was installed is working the way it was promised, and reducing the radon concentration levels in your home. 

Why invest in a radon system if you’re not sure it will last? Read our blog post: “How Long Does a Radon Mitigation System Last?

Topics: Radon Mitigation Company Ohio
4 min read

Is it Safe to Buy a Home with Elevated Radon Levels? 

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Feb 15, 2018 2:52:34 PM

Buying a Home with Elevated Radon Levels  

Buying a home can be a happy but stressful time. You may finally get a seller to say yes to your offer, but then you'll still need to go through the inspection process before making the final decision to purchase the home.

Most home inspections will include a radon inspection. If they do not offer this service, you can ask the seller to hire a company that provides radon testing services. 

Making sure qualified professionals are the ones performing an accurate radon test is important if you want to find out the concentration of radon gas inside the home. 

Radon in homes cannot be avoided, and finding a home with an acceptable level of radon can be difficult if the home does not already have a mitigation system. 

So what if you have found the perfect home only to find out there are high concentration levels of cancer-causing gas inside?

The real estate agent will need to ask the sellers to install a mitigation system to reduce the radon in the home. 

If a radon mitigation system was installed because the home had elevated radon levels, you want to be sure it is working correctly.

Read our blog post: "How to Make Sure Your Radon System was Installed Properly." 

Topics: Radon Mitigation Company Ohio
4 min read

Why Does Ohio Have Such A Big Radon Problem?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jan 29, 2018 4:25:36 PM

Why Ohio Homes Have Such a Radon Problem

Radon Gas in Ohio homes poses a danger to those who are living there. Continuously breathing in air that contains elevated levels of radon can cause damage to the lung tissue and cells, which can cause lung cancer. 

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States and the first among non-smokers. Radon is a major health concern for Ohio residents. 

Topics: Radon Ohio
7 min read

The 8 Biggest Lies and Myths About Radon Gas

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jan 10, 2018 2:54:14 PM

What Are the Biggest Lies About Radon Gas?

There are many people who do not know about radon or the full extent of the health problems high concentration levels of radon gas can cause. 

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is produced by the breakdown of uranium and thorium in rock, soil, and water. It is the only gas under standard conditions that has radioactive isotopes and is a health hazard because of its radioactivity level. 

Want to ensure your family is safe from Radon? Read our blog post "How to Choose the Best Radon Contractor?" here!

There are many lies floating around about radon, but today in this post, we are going to discuss:

Topics: Ohio Radon Testing Company
7 min read

How to choose the best Radon Contractor?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Dec 28, 2017 9:52:14 AM

How to Choose The Best Radon Contractor 

Radon Testing and Mitigation are highly specialized trades, which makes selecting the right Radon Contractor a challenging decision.  

Since radon is a common and serious issue, selecting the reputable radon mitigation contractor is an important decision.

That's why, in this article, we have included 6 tips to help you find a qualified contractor to meet your needs. 

You get what you pay for. Read our blog post : "Why You Shouldn't Choose a Radon Company Only Based on Price." here!

Topics: Radon Mitigation
5 min read

Is Radon Testing Typically a Part of a Home Inspection Process?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Nov 28, 2017 10:23:12 AM

Many people who are in the process of buying a home may wonder, is radon testing a part of the home inspection process? 

Typically, the answer to this question is yes.

Your home inspector should offer radon testing as part of the home inspection process. However, not all home inspectors will.

Topics: When Should I Test for Radon?
4 min read

What is the Radon Testing Process for Commercial Properties?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Nov 7, 2017 3:13:41 PM

Radon Testing for Commercial Properties 

Radon is a radioactive gas that is produced naturally and released into the atmosphere by rocks, soil, and water.

It can accumulate into dangerous levels in residential homes and commercial properties putting everyone who frequents the home or building at risk for contacting lung cancer. 

Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, killing more people every year than drunk drivers. 

In order to determine if your commercial property contains elevated levels of radon gas, you will need to have it tested by a professional. 

Topics: Commercial Radon Testing and Mitigation
4 min read

Why Commercial Property Owners Should Care About Radon Gas

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Oct 17, 2017 10:40:42 AM

What Every Building Owner Needs to Know About Radon 

It is very important to know that Radon Gas is not confined to residential areas.

Since radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas, it is just as prevalent in other building structures, especially if the property is located in an area that is geographically prone to higher radon levels.

Radon gas can enter a commercial property the same way it enters a residential home, through cracks, walls, floors, and drainage systems. 

Who is responsible for testing a commercial property? Read our blog post: "Does a Landlord Need to Test for Radon?"

Topics: Commercial Radon Testing and Mitigation
5 min read

Is Radon Really Just a Big Hoax? - Scam Alert?

By KYLE KONET on Sep 7, 2017 10:14:51 AM

What is Odorless, Colorless, Tasteless, and can kill you?

Its not a riddle, it's Radon.

Now you may be thinking, if something is Odorless, Tasteless AND Colorless, how do I know it even exists? This has to be a scam right? 

Topics: When Should I Test for Radon?
3 min read

Why did Dr. Oz Talk about Radon?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jul 3, 2017 12:02:19 PM

Why you Should Test your Home for Radon  

Why did Dr. Oz talk about Radon gas on his show? The answer is simple, Radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, and many people do not know what radon is, where it comes from, or how it affects them. 

Topics: Radon Testing Questions
3 min read

My new home came with a builder-installed passive radon system, is that good enough?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on May 22, 2017 1:38:19 PM

When it comes to Radon Gas, you want to be sure you're not living with dangerous levels in your home. 

Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, and the leading cause for non-smokers has home buyers concerned, and rightly so. 

Many people who are having a new home built will just have a builder-installed passive radon system installed, and they will be good to go. 

Unfortunately, this is not always true and can lead the new home owner's into thinking

 they have a system that is working to eliminate the hazardous gas from their home, when in reality, it may only be reducing the levels by 50%

Want more information about different radon mitigation systems? Read our blog post: “Radon Mitigation System Installation Differences.”

Topics: Ohio Radon Testing Company
4 min read

Does a Landlord need to Test for Radon?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on May 16, 2017 4:21:24 PM

Radon Testing for Commercial Apartments

Radon is known as a cancer causing, radioactive gas that can be found in varying amounts in every apartment complex in Ohio. 

The only way to know for sure it your apartment complex contains elevated radon levels is to perform radon testing in each unit of the complex. 

Once a radon problem is found, the landlord must address

 the issues to provide their tenants a habitable living environment. 

Another common question about testing your home is whether or not one should test during a home inspection. Read all about it in our blog post: “Should I Test for Radon During My Home Inspection?

Topics: Commercial Radon Testing and Mitigation
3 min read

Should I Test For Radon During My Home Inspection?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Mar 17, 2017 10:27:34 AM

Testing for Radon During a Home Inspection 

If you are in the process of purchasing a home and are wondering if you should have your home tested for radon gas during your home inspection, the answer is yes! 

The EPA recommends everyone who is looking to buy a home, have it tested before the purchase is complete. 

Radon is most commonly found in the basement. However, what if you don’t have a basement? Read our blog post: “Is Radon Testing Necessary if I Do Not Have a Basement?

Table of Contents 

  1. Testing for radon during a home inspection 
  2. How long does radon testing take? 
  3. Ohio's Top Radon Testing Company
  4. Schedule a Discounted Radon Test 
Why is testing for radon during a home inspection so important? 

Having the house, you want to live tested for radon will

allow you to find out if you are about to purchase a potentially dangerous home. 

Topics: Radon Testing
3 min read

Quality Assurance Guarantee When you Choose Radon Eliminator

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Feb 7, 2017 11:45:03 AM

Our Promise to You

If you had your home tested for radon gas and the levels came back above the World Health Organization's recommended action level of 2.7 pCi/L, you will need to hire a licensed radon company to install a radon mitigation system. 

Radon Mitigation is the process used to reduce radon concentration levels in the breathing areas of occupied homes or buildings. The goal of a radon mitigation system

Topics: Radon Mitigation
3 min read

Are Radon Testing Monitors More Accurate than a Test Kit?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jan 17, 2017 12:12:00 PM

Radon Monitor Vs. Passive Test Kit 

If you have made the choice to have your home tested for Radon Gas, you may have been presented with two options for testing.

When deciding between using a radon continuous monitoring system or a passive charcoal radon test kit, there are a few things you should consider before moving forward. 

Have more questions about everything that a radon test entails? Read our blog article, A Guide to Radon Testing: a Customer Story.

Topics: Radon Testing Questions
3 min read

3 Things You Can Do During National Radon Action Month

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jan 12, 2017 9:47:04 AM

3 Steps To Take for Radon Action Month

The Environmental Protection Agency has designated January as National Radon Action Month.

This is the perfect time to spread Radon awareness throughout the state of Ohio, to educate and encourage other's to spread the word about the dangers of Radon Gas. 

Topics: home radon testing
2 min read

Can Radon Enter My Home Through a Sump Pump?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Dec 28, 2016 10:48:27 AM

Homes with Sump Pumps and Radon 

Radon Gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, killing more people every year than drunk drivers. If your home has elevated levels of radon gas it is recommended by the EPA and World Health Organization to have a radon mitigation system installed to eliminate the high radon concentration levels. 

Topics: Radon Ohio
3 min read

How Long Does it Take to Install a Radon Mitigation System?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Dec 19, 2016 11:23:25 AM

Radon Mitigation Installation 

The only way to reduce the Radon Gas concentration levels in a home is to have a Radon Mitigation system installed by a licensed professional.

A radon removal system is used to reduce radon levels in a given home significantly. The radon is sucked from beneath the foundation of the home and vented outside. 

There are different types of mitigation systems. Read our blog post: "What is the Difference Between a Passive and Active Radon Mitigation System?

Topics: Radon Mitigation Near Me
3 min read

What is the Difference Between a Passive and Active Radon Mitigation System?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Dec 6, 2016 1:02:18 PM

Passive vs. Active Radon Mitigation Systems

If you are purchasing a home that contains a Radon Mitigation System, it is important to find out if the system is Passive or Active. And here is an explanation: 

Want more information about radon mitigation? Read our blog post: “Frequently Asked Radon Mitigation Questions.

Topics: Radon Mitigation Near Me
5 min read

What Are The Most Common Radon Testing Methods?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Nov 21, 2016 11:45:40 AM

Radon Testing Methods 

Radon is a radioactive gas that cannot be seen, smelled, or tasted. It is created naturally from the decay of radioactive elements, such as uranium, which is found in soil and rock throughout the world. Radon is released from the soil and rock into the air for a period of time through the natural half-life decay process. The chemical element is also detrimental to health as well, considering that too much exposure could leave you at risk of lung cancer. It is also the second leading cause of lung cancer, and first amongst lung cancer deaths for non-smokers.

Measuring radon levels takes picocuries, which is also known as pCi/L when measured per liter of air. It helps acquire the measurement of radon in the air of a house or commercial building. Radon levels at 4 pCi/L required a home to be fixed immediately. Even if your home has less than 4 pCi/L, it's still best to try and reduce it.


For more information, read our blog post: Radon: The Silent Killer in Your Home.

Topics: Radon Testing Near Me
7 min read

A Guide to Radon Testing: A Customers Story

By KYLE KONET on Nov 9, 2016 2:44:09 PM

A Guide To Radon Testing: Told Through the Eyes of a Customer

I remember the first time I heard about radon and getting it tested.

I was just about to purchase my first home, and the Realtor told us that outside of a housing inspection we also need to have a Radon Test performed.

Naturally an inquisitive person, I asked, "Why do I need to test for Radon and what does it cost?" 

Want more information on the cost of radon testing? Read our blog post: "Why Do You Provide a Discounted Residential Radon Testing?

The Realtor told me that Radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the US and kills more people than drunk driving does!

I was shocked, considering my mother died of cancer when I was 11 months old, I decided to do a little more investigation into this matter, and that is what myself and the Radon Eliminator team would like to share with everyone. 

Topics: Radon Testing
3 min read

Is There Radon Gas in Your Crawlspace?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Oct 31, 2016 2:39:15 PM

Removing Radon Gas from a Crawlspace

If your home tests elevated for Radon Gas and there is a crawlspace in your basement, than that may be one of the ways radon is seeping into your home. A crawlspace with exposed soil flooring will have no barrier to prevent radon entry.

The cancer causing gas will seep through the floor and into the occupied area of your home. The best way to prevent radon gas entry through a crawlspace is to install a radon mitigation system. 

Want more information about your radon mitigation options? Read our blog post "The Five Benefits of Installing a Radon System in the Attic.

Topics: Radon Questions
2 min read

The Five Benefits of Installing a Radon System in the Attic

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Oct 17, 2016 10:17:02 AM

Radon Mitigation 

Radon mitigation systems can be installed in several different ways depending on the layout of your home, including in the attic. When determining which option will be best for you, a licensed Radon Mitigation Specialist will offer their professional option on which route will be most efficient for your home. With that being said, there are often a couple of options for each home.

Topics: Radon Mitigation
3 min read

Where Is The Best Place in My House For a Radon Test?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Oct 10, 2016 8:20:51 AM

Correct Placement For Radon Testing 

The best way to shield your family and loved ones from the risk of lung cancer is radon testing to regulate radon exposure. Average radon exposure has accounted for 21,000 deaths from lung cancer, as it is one of the effects of radon. When conducting a Radon Test in your home, whether it is a test kit or done by a certified radon testing specialist, there are some ground rules to follow regarding the correct placement of the radon testing device to properly identify levels of radon.

Topics: Radon Testing Near Me
3 min read

Is Radon Gas Really Harmful?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Oct 4, 2016 10:03:06 AM

Why you Should be Concerned about the Radon Concentration Levels in your Home 

Is Radon Gas Really As Dangerous and Harmful as people make it out to be?

Radon is a radioactive gas that cannot be seen, smelled, or tasted. It occurs naturally through the breakdown of radioactive elements, such as uranium which can be found in soil and rock throughout the world. 

Some people think that radon is not a viable threat. Read our blog post: "Radon Gas, Health Risk or Just Hype.

Topics: Radon Testing
2 min read

Does Radon Come From Building Materials?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Sep 27, 2016 9:12:30 AM

Is There Radon Gas in Building Materials? 

Radon gas is naturally created from the decay of radioactive elements, such as uranium, which can be found in different amounts in soil and rock throughout the world. Radon is extremely prevalent in areas that contain large levels of granite concentrations.

Radon in the soil and rock is released into the air and underground water and surface water through the natural half-life decay process. 

The potential threat of radon exposure isn't the only thing that's growing in Ohio. Read our blog post: "Radon Testing Company Expanding in Greater Cleveland, OH!"

Topics: Radon Ohio
2 min read

Radon Gas, Health Risk or Just Hype?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Sep 19, 2016 8:12:20 AM

The Health Concerns of Radon Gas

Many people have heard about Radon gas by now, but is all of the concern just a lot of hype?

Radon Gas is an odorless, colorless, radioactive gas that can be found in the home throughout the United States. Radon is created naturally from the decay of radioactive elements, such as uranium and thorium, which can be found in different concentrations in soil and rock. Radon is more prevalent in areas with larger levels of granite concentrations. 

Topics: Radon Questions
2 min read

The Importance of Post Mitigation Testing

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Sep 14, 2016 2:46:04 PM

Radon Post Test Mitigation refers to the radon test that is performed upon completion of a Radon Mitigation system.

If you have just had a radon removal system installed, this means your home had tested elevated for dangerous levels of radioactive gas, and you made the decisions to remove the radon from your home.

Need more information on radon mitigation? Read our blog post "The Ultimate Guide to Radon Mitigation.

Topics: Radon Mitigation Company Ohio
6 min read

The Ultimate Guide To Radon Mitigation

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Sep 12, 2016 11:00:10 AM

Everything You Need To Know About Radon Mitigation 

Radon is a radioactive gas that cannot be seen or tasted.

Topics: Radon Mitigation Near Me
2 min read

What is a Radon Mitigation System?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 22, 2016 9:09:22 AM

Radon Mitigation Systems 

Radon Gas carries risk, even at or below the prescribed action level of removal. The process that is used to reduce radon concentration levels in occupied homes or buildings is called Radon Mitigation.

The ultimate goal of a radon mitigation system is to lower the radon levels below the EPA recommended action level. 

Want to learn more about keeping your family safe from radon? Read our blog post “How to Protect Yourself from Radon Gas.”

Topics: Radon Mitigation Near Me
5 min read

What You Need To Know About Radon Gas

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 22, 2016 9:04:06 AM

Radon gas is a silent intruder, seeping into homes and commercial spaces alike, posing a significant threat to the health of occupants. Understanding its nature, risks, and how to safeguard against it is paramount for every homeowner and building professional.

Topics: Radon Testing Near Me
3 min read

Radon Gas Myths: Are you being told the truth about radon?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jul 25, 2016 11:59:07 AM

Are you being told the truth about Radon? 

Radon gas is naturally created from the decay of radioactive elements, such as uranium, which are found in different amounts in soil and rock throughout the world. There are some common myths that many people believe when it comes to radon gas, some of which include: 

Topics: Radon Questions
3 min read

"Why Do You Provide Discounted Residential Radon Testing?"

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jul 25, 2016 10:38:42 AM

Why Discounted Radon Testing? 

The question "why do you provide discounted residential radon testing?" has come up several times in the past month with potential customers, so I wanted to discuss the answer with you today. 

Topics: Radon Testing
2 min read

Is Radon Gas Killing You?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jul 11, 2016 9:45:32 AM

The Silent Killer 

Radon is an invisible, odorless, and tasteless radioactive gas that is produced by the breakdown of thorium and uranium in soil, rock, and water. This gas is known as the silent killer, killing more people every year than drunk drivers.

Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer for non-smokers in the United States and according to the American Lung Association, every home should be tested to determine if there are elevated levels of radon gas.

Planning on moving? Dont just pass your homes radon problem to the next owner. Read our article: "Radon Testing Before Buying or Selling a Home.

Topics: Radon Mitigation
2 min read

How To Protect Yourself From Radon Gas

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jul 6, 2016 2:58:45 PM

Protect Yourself and Your Family 

Most people are exposed to a certain amount of radiation every day, the majority of which comes from natural sources such as Radon Gas. In this post you will learn a little bit more about Radon and how to protect yourself and your family from Radon Gas.

Radon is naturally created from the decay of radioactive elements, such as uranium, which can be found in soil and rock throughout the world. Radon gas is very prevalent in areas with large levels of granite and is released through natural half-life decay into underground water and air. 

Radon can enter your home in a plethora of different ways. Read our blog post: "Can Radon Enter My Home Through a Sump Pump?

Topics: Radon Testing
2 min read

Radon Gas and Lung Cancer

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jun 27, 2016 12:18:49 PM

Radon Gas and Lung Cancer 

Radon Gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, second only to smoking. Radon decays into radioactive particles that can get trapped in your lungs when you breathe. As they break down further, these particles release small bursts of energy. This energy damages lung tissue and can lead to lung cancer over the course of your lifetime.

Concerned about the cost of radon mitigation? Read our blog post: "What are the Cost Factors of a Radon Mitigation System?" 

Topics: Radon and Lung Cancer
2 min read

The World Health Organization Lowers Radon Action Level

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jun 17, 2016 4:13:11 PM

Radon Action Levels

Our radon specialists get this question all the time, "What level of radon is safe in my home?"

The World Health Organization recently conducted a Radon Gas study for four years with the involvement of 100 scientists from 30 different countries. Based on the research that was completed, WHO recommends homeowners take action to have radon remediated from their homes if they test at or above a 2.7 piC/L, which is lower than the EPA recommended level of a 4.0. 

Topics: Radon Questions
3 min read

Where Radon Is Found?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jun 8, 2016 11:41:13 AM

Radon is a naturally occurring gas with radioactive properties that is produced by the natural breakdown of thorium and uranium in soil, rock, and water.

There is a significant amount of false information circulating about radon. Read our blog post "Common Misconceptions of Radon Gas." here!

Topics: Radon Ohio
3 min read

Frequently Asked Radon Mitigation Questions

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jun 8, 2016 11:25:17 AM

Radon Mitigation FAQ's

Radon Mitigation is the process used to reduce the radon gas levels inside of a home or building. Professional installation of a Radon Removal system draws radon gas from beneath the foundation of the home to be directly vented outside without having a chance to enter the home. According to the EPA, Radon Removal can eliminate up to 99 percent of radon from the home.

Topics: Radon Mitigation
5 min read

Radon Testing Before Buying or Selling a Home

By Radon Eliminator Staff on May 8, 2016 3:39:00 PM

Get Radon Testing Before Selling Your Home 

Buying or selling a home is a significant undertaking that involves numerous considerations, and one crucial aspect that should never be overlooked is testing for radon.

A colorless and odorless radioactive gas, an elevated radon level in a home can pose serious health risks. 

Whether you're a prospective buyer or seller, understanding the importance of radon testing is essential for ensuring a safe and healthy living environment and protecting your property value.

If you are in the process of selling a home, having a radon test performed could make or break the sale of your house.

Radon gas is prominent in many homes throughout Ohio due to the climate and the soil underneath the foundation of most homes.

If the radon levels in your home have never been checked, you could be trying to sell a home with the presence of radon gas. 

Topics: Radon Testing
3 min read

The Benefits of Radon Testing

By Radon Eliminator Staff on May 7, 2016 9:30:00 AM

Benefits of Having Radon Testing in your Home

Many people throughout Ohio have never had their homes tested for Radon Gas. More than likely, it is because they have never heard of radon or the benefits of having radon testing performed.

Do I need to have my home tested? How do I know if Radon has entered? Read our blog post: "How Does Radon Enter a Home?"

Topics: When Should I Test for Radon?
2 min read

How Does Radon Enter A Home?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on May 6, 2016 8:30:04 AM

How Does Radon Enter A Home?

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that comes from the decay of uranium in soil, rock, and water. Radon has the ability to enter into a home because the air pressure inside the home is lower than the pressure in the soil around the home's foundation. This acts like a vacuum that draws the radon into the home, trapping it inside where it can build up to dangerous levels. 

Topics: Radon Questions
3 min read

Can Radon Gas Levels Increase Over Time?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Apr 21, 2016 12:30:09 PM

Can Radon Gas Levels Change Over Time?

Even the lowest radon levels within your home are technically not safe, but it is surely nothing to panic over. Although, it does beg the question, can those minuscule levels significantly increase with time? For example, many people wonder, as the earth and soil under house changes with time can it produce higher levels of radioactive gas, or as my house ages can it absorb more radon?

If radon levels can change over time, should you test more frequently? Read our blog post: “How Often Should I Test for Radon?

Topics: Radon Testing
2 min read

Are There Any Symptoms Of Radon Poisoning?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Apr 18, 2016 2:57:21 PM

What is Radon and Can it Poison You?

Radon is a colorless, odorless, radioactive gas. It is naturally created from the decay of radioactive elements, such as uranium, which are found in different amounts in soil and rock throughout the world. 

Air pressure inside a home is usually lower than the air pressure outside; this causes a vacuum effect known as pressure differentials, drawing radon in through foundation cracks and other openings. Even if there are not visible cracks in the foundation, it is possible to still have high radon levels in a home because of radon's ability to permeate through concrete.

Some people believe radon isn’t actually a threat? Read why this isn’t the case in our blog post: “Is Radon Really Just a Big Hoax- Scam Alert?” here!

Topics: When Should I Test for Radon?
2 min read

How Long Does Radon Testing Take?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Apr 5, 2016 4:49:09 PM

Radon Testing 

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas produced by the breakdown of thorium and uranium in soil, rock, and water. It is also the only gas under standard conditions that has radioactive isotopes and is considered a health hazard due to its radioactivity level. 
Radon Gas is brought into a home through foundation cracks and other openings. Air pressure inside a building is usually lower than the air pressure outside; this causes a vacuum effect known as pressure differentials which draws out the radon. Even if there is no visible cracks in the foundation, it is still possible to have high radon levels inside your home due to radon's ability to permeate through concrete.

Want more information about the root of high levels of radon, read our blog post: " What Causes High Levels of Radon Gas?"  

The only way to know if you have Radon Gas in your home, is to have a certified Radon Testing Specialist perform a radon test. Radon testing is not complicated, however, if done improperly you may end up with inaccurate results. 

Topics: Radon Questions
4 min read

Why Do Radon Levels Fluctuate?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Mar 28, 2016 9:36:04 AM

Radon Fluctuation Inside Homes

A large percentage of Ohio homes have high levels of Radon Gas. Since you cannot detect radon by taste, smell, or sight, it is necessary to have your home tested by a licensed radon testing specialist. 

There is a lot of misinformation about radon. Read our blog post "Common Misconceptions of Radon Gas" here!

Topics: Radon and Lung Cancer
3 min read

What Causes High Levels Of Radon Gas?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Mar 23, 2016 12:53:51 PM

Causes of High Radon Gas Levels 

If you are concerned about the Radon Gas levels in your home, you have every right to be. Radon Gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States and the leading cause for non-smokers. Your risk of contracting lung cancer increases exponentially if you are exposed to high levels of radon gas. 

Topics: Radon Ohio
3 min read

What Are The Cost Factors Of A Radon Mitigation System?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Feb 17, 2016 8:26:08 AM

Radon Mitigation Pricing 

Everyone wants to improve their health but they want to do it as cost-effectively as possible. One way is with a professionally installed Radon Removal System.

Radon Gas is a growing issue with homeowners, real estate professionals, building inspectors, and health officials

Radon gas is a source of cancer-causing radiation, and if a test reveals dangerous concentration levels of radon in your home, it is crucial to contact an experienced certified radon mitigation specialist to take care of this health risk. 

Want to learn how to keep your family safe from radon? Check out our blog post "How to Protect Yourself from Radon."

Topics: Radon Mitigation
3 min read

How Do I Know If My Radon Mitigation System Is Working Properly?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Feb 5, 2016 3:30:29 PM

Radon mitigation is the process used to reduce radon gas concentrations in the breathing zone of an occupied Cleveland home.

The EPA protocols require each mitigation system to have a warning device installed as a part of every active radon mitigation system to warn the homeowner if there is a system failure.

This device is called a u-tube manometer and it is the warning system installed on most residential mitigation systems. A u-tube manometer is installed on the vent pipe that is installed into the suction pit underneath the concrete slab of the home. 

Have more questions about radon mitigation? Read our blog post: “Frequently Asked Radon Mitigation Questions.

Topics: Radon Mitigation Near Me
3 min read

How Often Should I Test For Radon?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Feb 2, 2016 1:00:00 PM

What Changes Over Time

People often as the question "how often should I have my home tested for radon?" Look at it this way, many people go to the dentist twice a year, have their oil changed in their car a few times a year, and follow up with their doctors appointments.

We do not just do these things one time and think that is enough. Things change over time as we are all aware, and the same goes for radon gas. However, many people do not realize this and believe that checking it one time is enough.

Wondering what exactly is a safe level of radon gas? Read our blog post: "What is a Safe Level of Radon Gas?"  

Topics: Radon Testing
2 min read

What Is A Safe Level Of Radon Gas?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Feb 1, 2016 1:55:57 PM

Is There A Safe Level Of Radon Gas? 

A safe level of radon gas in your home is no radon gas. Radon is a radioactive gas that causes lung cancer. The EPA tells us that any radon exposure can cause a risk of contraction lung cancer.

The lower level of radon in your home, the lower risk you and family will have at contracting lung cancer. On average a person will be exposed to a higher dose of radiation from the levels of radon in their home than from any other radiation source, whether is it natural or man-made. Radon gas come from a naturally occurring process from the decay of uranium in soil. Depending on where you live, the radon levels can be extremely high. 

If you live in Ohio, read our blog post: "Radon Testing Company Expanding in Greater Cleveland.

Topics: Radon Testing Near Me
4 min read

Radon Testing Company Expanding in Greater Cleveland, OH!

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jan 29, 2016 12:51:24 PM

The Intrusion Of Radon Into Your Home in Cleveland, Ohio

Radon Eliminator is expanding its Discounted Radon Testing Service in Cleveland, Ohio!

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is produced by the breakdown of uranium in soil, rock and water.

Despite the growing problem, there is a significant lack of information about Radon out there. Read our recent blog post: "5 Most Important Ohio Radon Statistics." 



Topics: Cleveland Radon Testing Company
3 min read

5 Most Important Ohio Radon Statistics

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jan 27, 2016 8:53:38 AM

What are the 5 Most Important Ohio Radon Statistics to Know?

Many people call our office to figure out how Radon can affect them, their household and what statistics they should be paying the most attention to

In this blog post, we are going to share what we believe are some of the most important Radon statistics in the state of Ohio and what you can do to protect yourself from Radon Gas.

Another important fact you might not know is January is national radon action month. Learn more in our blog post: “National Radon Action Month.

Topics: Radon Ohio
2 min read

What Should I Do If I Find Radon Gas In My House?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jan 26, 2016 4:48:25 PM

Radon Gas In My House


Many people ask us What Should I Do If I Find Radon Gas In My House? If you have tested your home for Radon Gas and confirmed that your levels came back elevated, which would be four picocuries per liter or higher. The EPA recommends that you reduce the radon gas levels in your home. High levels of radon gas can be remediated through radon mitigation

Topics: Radon Testing Near Me
3 min read

Lung Cancer and Radon Gas

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jan 19, 2016 2:03:14 PM

Lung cancer is a leading cause of cancer death worldwide. In the United States, lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer death in both men and women.

Radon exposure is the second-leading environmental cause of lung cancer death, after tobacco smoke and the primary cause of lung cancer death for nonsmokers. Radon exposure is responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths per year in the United States alone and some estimates by the EPA suggest that approximately 14% of the 300,000 annual lung cancer cases in the United States are attributable to radon.

Topics: Radon and Lung Cancer
4 min read

Common Misconceptions Of Radon Gas

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jan 18, 2016 4:37:36 PM

What is Radon Gas? 

There are many common misconceptions about radon gas. First, we need to discuss what radon gas is. It is a colorless, odorless, radioactive gas. It is naturally created from the decay of radioactive elements found in different amounts in soil and rock throughout the world.

Radon is extremely prevalent in areas with substantial levels of granite concentrations. Radon gas in the soil and rock is released into the air and underground water and surface water through the natural half-life decay process. 

Have other questions about radon? Read our blog post: "Frequently Asked Radon Gas Questions" here

Topics: Radon Ohio
3 min read

National Radon Action Month

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jan 2, 2016 1:07:38 PM

January Is Radon Action Month


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has designated January as Nation Radon Action Month. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, and the leading cause among non-smokers. Risk of lung cancer is especially high for people who do smoke and are also exposed to high levels of Radon Gas

Want more reasons for taking care of your potential radon problem? Read our blog post: "Top 5 Reasons You Should Test Your Home for Radon."

Many people have know idea what Radon Gas is. Radon is a colorless, odorless, radioactive gas. Radon gas is naturally created from the decay of radioactive elements, such as uranium, which is found in different amounts in soil and rock throughout the world. Radon is extremely prevalent in areas with large levels of granite concentrations. Radon Gas in the soil and rock is released into the air and into underground water and surface water through the natural half-life decay process. 

The break down of Radon into solid radioactive elements is called radon progeny. Radon Progeny attaches itself to dust and other airborne particals that can be absorbed into the lungs through respiration. During the break down process, they give off radiation that damages the DNA inside the body's cells. Continued exposure to high Radon levels causes these radioactive cells to replicate in a process called mutagenesis, this process deeply affects cellular activity within lung tissue and causes an increase in the chance of contracting lung cancer. 

Here are a few steps you can take during Radon Action Month:

  • Test Your Home For Radon: A specialist from our Radon Eliminator Staff will come to your home and set up a Radon Test at a Discounted Price.  
  • Have A Radon Mitigation System Installed In Your Home: If your home tests high for radon gas, take action and have a radon mitigation system installed in in your home. Radon mitigation is the process used to reduce Radon gas concentrations in the breathing zones of occupied homes. 
  • Spread The Word: During Radon Action Month, encourage others to have their homes tested for Radon. Educate your family and friends about the health risks of high levels of Radon Gas

Radon Gas carries risk, even at or below the recommended action level. The risk of lung cancer will increase with a higher long-term average of radon gas levels. According to the EPA, radon mitigation can eliminate up to 99 percent of radon from your home. 

Radon Eliminator is taking action this month by providing Discounted Home Testing or Free Mitigation Quotes. It is our goal to educate as many people as possible about the dangers of Radon Gas levels in homes. Click on the link below for a Discounted Radon Test. 

Schedule Your Discounted Test

Topics: Radon Mitigation Near Me
7 min read

Frequently Asked Radon Gas Questions

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Dec 22, 2015 11:47:20 AM

What Is Radon Gas?

Many people remain unaware of the potential dangers associated with exposure to radon gas, despite its prevalence and serious health risks, and thus, underestimate the health effects and symptoms of radon exposure.  

Radon gas, although colorless, odorless, and tasteless, poses a significant threat when present in high concentrations. It permeates the air we breathe and the water we consume, presenting health hazards that cannot be detected through our senses alone.

This radioactive gas is naturally formed through the decay of uranium, a process that occurs in soil and rock formations worldwide.

Regions abundant in granite concentrations often exhibit heightened levels of radon gas. Through natural decay, this gas is released from the soil and rock into the atmosphere and water sources, both underground and on the surface.

Understanding the origins and risks associated with radon gas is crucial for safeguarding public health and promoting awareness of potential hazards in our environment. Exposure to high indoor radon levels has been linked to increased lung cancer deaths, making it imperative to address this issue effectively - with the first step being understanding the necessity of radon mitigation and how it can help protect your loved ones. 

Curious about what Radon has to do with you and your home? Read our blog post "Radon: The Silent Killer In Your Home"!

Topics: Radon Mitigation
2 min read

Have Radon Testing Done In Your Home During The Winter

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Dec 8, 2015 2:25:48 PM

Radon Levels Are Elevated In The Winter 

Radon Gas is an odorless, colorless radioactive gas that is naturally produced by the decay of radioactive elements, such as thorium and uranium. Radon is released into the air by soil and rocks, and it is very prevalent in areas with large amounts of granite. When Radon breaks down, it attaches to dust and other airborne particles that can be absorbed through our lungs. This radioactive element damages the DNA inside our body's cells. 

Radon Gas moves naturally through the ground to the air above and into your home through cracks and other holes in the foundation. When Radon Gas enter your home, it becomes trapped and starts to accumulate if not properly ventilated. 

Topics: Radon Testing
3 min read

Selling Your Home is Easier with Radon Testing and Mitigation

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Nov 30, 2015 1:50:09 PM

Homes with no Radon issues are more attractive to potential buyers

Radon can be a serious problem when your are trying to sell your home.

Topics: Radon Testing
3 min read

Why You Should Get Radon Testing Performed At Your Child's School in Ohio.

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Nov 17, 2015 2:26:51 PM


Radon is an odorless, colorless, tasteless radioactive gas that is naturally created from decay of radioactive elements such as, uranium. Through the decay, radon gas is released into the air, underground water and surface water.

Radon Gas attaches itself to dust and other airborne particles that we ingest through our lungs.

Topics: Radon Testing
4 min read

Top 5 Reason You Should Test Your House For Radon

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Nov 10, 2015 3:33:43 PM



Long-term radon gas exposure is the second leading cause of lung cancer deaths in the United States and the leading cause among nonsmokers.

The following is a breakdown of how radon exposure poses health risks, including the risk of lung cancer:

Radon releases a type of radiation known as particle radiation.

After breathing radon, particle radiation damages the DNA in cells in the lung tissue.

The damage to our lungs is so significant that the body's natural repair processes are unable to deal with it effectively.

This results in potentially damaging genetic alterations, increasing the likelihood of those lung cells becoming cancerous. The more radon we are exposed to, the more mutations occur and the greater our risk of developing lung cancer.

Topics: Radon Testing
1 min read

Why Radon Testing is Critical

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 24, 2015 12:04:23 PM

Being a fan of classic rock is part of our DNA in Northeast Ohio and I am definitely in that genetic pool, being born in Akron. One of my favorite bands has got to be Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, they wrote a song called "Waiting is the Hardest Part", it's a song that definitely gets stuck in your head but it also serves as a great theme for this blog post. 

Topics: Radon Testing