5 min read

Where Does Radon Come From?

Jun 15, 2018 2:16:26 PM

Where does Radon Gas Come From? 

There are many people who are just hearing about Radon Gas for the first time, so naturally one of their first questions is "Where does Radon Come From?". 

Radon Gas has been a part of this earth for a very long time, coming from the decay of Uranium. It is a naturally occurring gas that comes from the uranium in the earth. You can find trace amounts of uranium in the soil all over the world.

Some areas will contain higher concentrations of Radon Gas than others, which means there are certain areas that will have a higher chance of having a radon problem as well. It can become a problem in homes, schools, and buildings anywhere. 

Want to learn more about Radon and what it does to your wellbeing? Read our blog post: "How Does Radon Affect Your Health?" 

  Table of Contents 
  1. Health Risks of Radon Gas Exposure 
  2. How to Protect Yourself from Radon 
  3. Hire a Radon Contractor
  4. Get a Discounted Radon Test 
Radon is continually released by uranium-bearing soil and rocks during a natural decay process. The gas moves through the soil freely because it's chemically non-reactive and does not combine with other materials. 
When radon gas reaches the outdoor air, it's quickly diluted to low concentration levels. Unfortunately, radon can become trapped underneath slabs and foundations of buildings which will cause an accumulation of gas that can easily enter homes and buildings through cracks and openings. 
When radon decays into other radioactive elements, often referred to as radon progeny, once inhaled, the particles can lodge in the lungs and deliver radiation doses that are sensitive to the lung tissue. 

Health Risks of Radon Gas Exposure 

The health risks associated with radon gas have been clearly recognized by various organizations, which include: 

Radon Gas is a known carcinogen and the above organizations have estimated that it is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, second only to smoking.

According to the EPA, radon gas exposure causes more deaths per year than drunk driving accidents. 

Many scientists agree that the risks associated with radon will increase as the concentration level and length of exposure increase. Smoking combined with radon exposure is an especially serious health risk. 

How to Protect Yourself from Radon Exposure 

Now that you know where radon comes from and the health risks of radon exposure, you may be wondering how you can protect yourself from breathing in high concentration levels of this dangerous gas. 
The first step to ensuring that your home is safe is to have a Radon Test performed. Because radon cannot be detected by sight, smell, or taste, having a radon test is the only way to know for sure if your home is safe. 
Typically, radon testing will take 2 days to obtain an accurate reading. When you hire a professional radon testing company, you will have the test results the same day the technician picks up the equipment. 
Radon Continuous Monitor Testing Device
Once you know the concentration levels of radon inside your home, you will know if action needs to be taken or not. 
If your home contains high concentration levels or radon, the specialist will recommend that you have a Radon Mitigation System installed to reduce the concentration levels. 
Radon Mitigation Systems are designed to reduce the concentration levels of radon gas inside the living spaces of homes and buildings. 
Hire a Professional Radon Contractor 
If you have never had your home tested for radon, you should consider hiring a professional radon testing company to see if your home is safe to live in. 
The Team at Radon Eliminator is licensed with The Ohio Department of Health, and can perform both radon testing and mitigation services for homes and commercial properties. 
At Radon Eliminator, we offer discounted Radon Testing services, and Free Radon Mitigation Estimates. 
It's important to make sure you are not living in a home that could potentially cause you to suffer from lung cancer. 
Contact our team today to schedule a Discounted Radon Test Near You, click below now! 
Discounted Radon Testing