16 min read

The Signs and Symptoms of Lung Cancer

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jun 23, 2020 11:00:00 AM

Did you know that lung cancer is the second most common type of cancer in adults in the United States? 


It is also the leading cause of death from cancer.


Treatment for lung cancer is much more effective when the disease is caught in its earlier stages. 


Unfortunately, though, most people with lung cancer do not experience symptoms until the disease has spread.


Some people do experience subtle symptoms of early-stage lung cancer, but these symptoms more often stem from other health issues or factors such as smoking.


Most people know that smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer deaths in the United States.


Many people have no idea that the second leading cause of lung cancer is due to exposure to radon gas. 


Long term exposure to elevated levels of radon gas in your home will put you and your family at risk for lung cancer.


In the article below, we describe early symptoms of lung cancer, when to see a doctor, and testing your home for radon.


Radon is dangerous. Read our blog post "Radon is Deadlier Than What?" to learn more. 


Topics: Radon and Lung Cancer
6 min read

How Long Does It Take For Radon To Give You Lung Cancer?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Oct 8, 2019 3:37:05 PM

We can't see it, smell it, or taste it, but it might be in your home. And it could give you lung cancer.

Radon, a radioactive gas, enters your body when you breathe it in, and every time you do, it's increasing your chances of lung cancer.

It's estimated that every year, radon in homes causes 21,000 lung cancer deaths. That's second only to smoking.

Among non-smokers, radon is the leading cause of lung cancer.

Radiation is called the "complete carcinogen" because it can initiate, promote, and propagate cancer.

The primary site of radon poisoning is inside of your home.

The average person receives more radiation from their homes than from all other natural or man-made sources combined.

Radon is a proven and very potent "Class A" carcinogen.

Safety limits on toxins or carcinogens in food or water are set at levels a thousand times less lethal than what is the risk from radon in an average American home.

Radon is very dangerous, and we could be breathing it in every day without realizing it.

Unfortunately, most people don't know they've been exposed to radon gas until they've been diagnosed with lung cancer.

Thinking about using a home test to detect radon in your home? Read our blog post: "Are Home Radon Test Kits Accurate?

In the article below, we will discuss radon and lung cancer, and how long it might take radon to give you lung cancer.

Topics: Radon and Lung Cancer
4 min read

Former USA Hockey Star Blames Radon For Her Lung Cancer

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 20, 2019 4:47:00 PM

If you aren't familiar with Radon, you're not alone.

Most people are unaware of what radon is, and that is very unfortunate.

Cancer.org defines radon as a colorless, odorless, radioactive gas.

It forms naturally from the decay of radioactive elements like uranium that are found in soil and rock throughout the world.

Once in the soil, radon gas can move into the air and underground water and surface water.

Now, you might be wondering why cancer.org has a definition of radon on their website.

It's because behind only smoking; radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer.

It's responsible for between 15,000 to 22,000 deaths a year.

Hopefully now I have your attention.

Radon can be in your house right now, penetrating cracks in your foundation and floors, or seeping into your water supply without you knowing it.

That was the case for the former USA hockey star Rachael Malmberg.

We'll talk about her story below.

For more information about uranium and radon risks to your wellbeing, read our blog post "What are the Health Risks of Uranium." here

Topics: Radon and Lung Cancer
2 min read

Radon Gas and Lung Cancer

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jun 27, 2016 12:18:49 PM

Radon Gas and Lung Cancer 

Radon Gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, second only to smoking. Radon decays into radioactive particles that can get trapped in your lungs when you breathe. As they break down further, these particles release small bursts of energy. This energy damages lung tissue and can lead to lung cancer over the course of your lifetime.

Concerned about the cost of radon mitigation? Read our blog post: "What are the Cost Factors of a Radon Mitigation System?" 

Topics: Radon and Lung Cancer
4 min read

Why Do Radon Levels Fluctuate?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Mar 28, 2016 9:36:04 AM

Radon Fluctuation Inside Homes

A large percentage of Ohio homes have high levels of Radon Gas. Since you cannot detect radon by taste, smell, or sight, it is necessary to have your home tested by a licensed radon testing specialist. 

There is a lot of misinformation about radon. Read our blog post "Common Misconceptions of Radon Gas" here!

Topics: Radon and Lung Cancer
3 min read

Lung Cancer and Radon Gas

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jan 19, 2016 2:03:14 PM

Lung cancer is a leading cause of cancer death worldwide. In the United States, lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer death in both men and women.

Radon exposure is the second-leading environmental cause of lung cancer death, after tobacco smoke and the primary cause of lung cancer death for nonsmokers. Radon exposure is responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths per year in the United States alone and some estimates by the EPA suggest that approximately 14% of the 300,000 annual lung cancer cases in the United States are attributable to radon.

Topics: Radon and Lung Cancer