When you're purchasing a home, you probably have a list of things you'd like it to have.
You probably have some "must haves" and some things that would be nice, but not absolutely necessary.
Maybe you want 2.5 baths. Or you can't have a home without a front porch.
Maybe a pool with a nice pool deck would be nice, but not necessary.
If you've ever purchased a home, you've had one of those lists.
Those lists, however, are mostly filled with aesthetics, leaving off the "functional" items.
It's assumed everyone wants a house that has a roof with no leaks.
And no one wants to buy a house where the plumbing doesn't work.
Those things are obvious; they don't need to be added to your list.
There are a few things that aren't obvious or aesthetic that can be easily looked over.
A couple of things no one wants in their new home, but can sometimes slip through the cracks.
I'm talking about asbestos and radon.
These are two completely different things, but if you find a house with them, you want to steer clear.
Or if the house you're currently living in has them, you need to get them removed.
Below we will learn more about asbestos and radon.