21 min read

Should I Go To The Doctor If I've Been Exposed To Radon?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Sep 1, 2022 1:48:00 PM

Invisible and insidious, radon gas stealthily infiltrates homes, posing a health hazard that many remain oblivious to. Radon, the silent threat lurking in the air we breathe and the water we drink, beckons an urgent question for those aware of its presence. Beneath its scientific designation lies a naturally occurring radioactive menace with origins just as unsettling as its implications for health.

Unassuming basements and ordinary soil can become unwitting hosts to this carcinogenic intruder, silently emitting from the earth's depths and seeping through cracks and openings. As the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking, radon's health risks cast a long, ominous shadow; the invisible gas's insidiousness lies not just in its stealth but in the cold statistics of mortality and disease it orchestrates. Symptoms like shortness of breath and chest pain are alarming harbingers, signaling the need for vigilance and action.

Deciphering whether your environment harbors this uninvited guest involves a meshwork of practices, from home testing to professional assessments. Understanding what radon is and its impacts on health sets the stage for exploring how we confront radon's pervasiveness. Let's venture into the depth of this issue, pulling back the veil on radon's dangers and examining decisive measures to safeguard our well-being against it.

Radon is clearly a dangerous threat to your life in high doses. However, is it ever safe or even beneficial to your health? Find out by reading our blog post: Can Radon Be Good for You?

Topics: radon poisoning
7 min read

Is There A Cure For Radon Poisoning?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 26, 2021 3:03:41 PM

Unfortunately, there is no cure or treatments available to treat radon poisoning.

If you think you may be suffering from radon poisoning, it's essential to limit further exposure to radon as much as possible.

This will keep further lung damage from developing and keep other symptoms from worsening.

Any potential source of radon should be tested, especially in your home.

If tests come back showing that your home has high radon levels, you need to take immediate steps to reduce the radon levels in your home.

This will also reduce your risk of lung cancer.

In the article below, we will talk about radon and what you should do if you suspect you have radon poisoning.


Topics: radon poisoning
4 min read

How Do You Know If You've Been Exposed To Radon?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jun 15, 2020 12:46:00 PM

If there is a radioactive gas in your home, you definitely want to know if you're being exposed to it.

Radon is a dangerous, potentially deadly radioactive gas that can be affecting millions of people every single day.

Radon can be found in the soil under our houses, where it can eventually seep into our water and the air inside of your home.

So, how do you know if you're being exposed to radon?

We'll answer that question below.

Topics: radon poisoning
15 min read

How Do You Get Radon Poisoning?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jun 11, 2020 12:24:59 PM

Radon poisoning is a potentially deadly health concern that few people know about.


Luckily, if proper precautions are taken, radon poisoning can be prevented.


In the article below, we will discuss how people get radon poisoning and the steps to take to prevent it.


Topics: radon poisoning
6 min read

Is Your House Plagued By Radon?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Oct 21, 2019 12:11:58 PM

Everyone knows cigarette smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer in the United States.

But do you know what the second leading cause of lung cancer is?

Is it second-hand smoke? Is it smog or some other pollutant in our air supply.

It's not. It's something you might not have ever heard of.

And what's worse is that your home could be filled with it, poisoning you and everyone else in your home, without even realizing it.

The second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States is radon.

Radon is an odorless, colorless, tasteless, naturally occurring radioactive gas.

When inhaled into the lungs, radon can damage your DNA and increase your risk of lung cancer.

Exposure to radon gas, which enters your home through cracks in your home's walls and foundation, can dramatically increase your risk of lung cancer.

Every year in the United States, about 21,000 people die from lung cancer brought on by radon poisoning.

Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers, and people who smoke or who have smoked have a higher chance of developing lung cancer if they are exposed to radon.

The lung cancer risk from radon exposure occurs over many years of high-level exposure. For more information read our blog post: "How Long Does it Take for Radon to Give You Lung Cancer?"

It's entirely possible to be exposed to radon for several years - even decades- because there's no way to know your home has radon unless you test for it.

And many people never test for it because they don't even know it exists.

In the article below, we will talk about the dangers of radon and the importance of having your home tested.

Topics: radon poisoning
6 min read

Am I At Risk For Radon Poisoning?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Aug 23, 2019 3:31:08 PM

The dangers of radon gas are finally starting to become mainstream, and it's about time.

Did you know that radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer, right behind cigarette smoking?

And, did you know that most people don't realize they've been exposed to radon until they've been diagnosed with lung cancer?

It's a scary thought, and it's one we don't want you to worry about.

So, how do you know if you're at risk for radon poisoning or lung cancer before the diagnosis?

Concerned you potentially may have been exposed to high levels of radon? Read our blog post: "What are the Signs Your Home Has a Radon Problem?"

We'll explore that question and more below.

Topics: radon poisoning
6 min read

A Simple Guide To Radon Poisoning and Its Health Effects

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Mar 29, 2019 11:39:36 AM

Do you know what the leading cause of lung cancer is?

Smoking cigarettes.

Unless you're in denial, everyone knows smoking cigarettes is the leading cause of lung cancer.

But what about the second leading lung cancer?  Any ideas?

Maybe you think it's air pollution like smog caused by vehicles and everything else that pollutes the air.

Nope, not quite.

Then it must be second-hand smoke. Cigarettes are still to blame.

No, it's not second-hand smoke, although you should avoid it at all costs.

Is it occupational exposures to things like harmful chemicals and pollutants?

Still no.

The second leading cause of lung cancer is radon poisoning.

Now you're wondering what radon poisoning is.

Now that you're curious about radon poisoning, you're probably curious about what radon even is.

In the guide below, we will learn about radon and radon poisoning. Read on to learn more.

Radon can wreak disaster on your body. Learn more about it in our blog post: “Does Radon Cause Headaches?”

Topics: radon poisoning