4 min read

Are There State Laws That Require Radon Testing and Mitigation?

Jun 8, 2018 11:50:34 AM

Does the State Require Radon Testing or Mitigation? 

You would think since Radon Gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States that there would be some type of legislation surrounding the issue. Radon causes more than 21,000 deaths per year, which is more than drunk driving!

Unfortunately, there are no state-mandated laws regarding the testing and mitigation of radon from homes or public buildings. 

Although there are no state-mandated laws regarding radon gas, there are Radon Disclosure Laws. 

Today, we are going to dig into the Disclosure Laws, Certification Law and what they mean.

Let's dig in!


Table of Contents 

  1. What is a Radon Disclosure Law
  2. Radon Certification Laws
  3. Contact a Licensed Professional
  4. Schedule a Discounted Test 
What is a Radon Disclosure Law? 

A Radon Disclosure Law has to do with real estate transactions, the seller must disclose all known radon levels or testing results of their home. 

Home for Sale

If the home was never tested, the buyer is able to have a test performed during the home inspection process. If the levels come back elevated, they may request that a mitigation system is installed before they agree to buy the home. 

Now it is not a law that the seller must install a mitigation system even if there are dangerous levels of gas in the home, however, in many cases, the home seller will install the system because once the test has been done, by law, they will have to inform any other potential buyers that they are trying to sell a home with cancer-causing gas

Radon Certification Laws 

Another law that has to do with the testing and mitigating of radon gas is the Radon Certification Law. 

This law has to do with the certification of the Radon Testing and Mitigation Company.

In order to test a home for radon, or to install a radon removal system, the company and individuals who work for the company need to be licensed. 

Each state has different laws, but for Ohio, it is necessary for the company and workers to be licensed with The Ohio Department of Health.

In order to receive this certification, there are testing and mitigation courses that need to be attended and exams that need to be passed. There are also continuing education requirements that need to be met to keep the mitigation licenses up-to-date. 

Radon gas is no joke, which means not just any person can test your home or install a removal system. To be sure that the testing and installation are done properly, they need to be completed by a licensed company. 

This is also important when going to sell your home that you are able to show the potential buyer that either your radon test or installation was completed by a licensed professional. 

If you fail to provide this documentation, you run the risk of having to start the whole process over, and potentially having to take out and re-install the system. 

-back to table of contents 

Contact a Licensed Professional for Testing and Mitigation Services 

If you have never had your home tested for radon gas, now is the time. 

Radon Gas and State Laws

Even if you are not in the process of selling your home, having your home tested as soon as possible could be crucial for your future health. 

You do not want to live in your home for years with cancer-causing gas, and it's never too late to remove the dangerous gas from your home. 

Radon testing is an easy process, you simply contact the licensed experts at Radon Eliminator, and we can come out the next day to set up a testing device in your home for 48 hours.  

The specialist will return two days later to collect the testing unit, and at that time you will know the radon concentration levels in your home. 

If you test elevated, the specialist can give you a free price quote for the installation and explain the installation process while he is at your home. 

Proceeding with an installation is as easy as agreeing to the price, and scheduling a time that works best for you for the team to come out and install the removal system. 

The team at Radon Eliminator makes the testing and installation process as easy for you as possible. We will work around your schedule, and if you are in a time crunch, we can have the whole process completed within the week. 

We also provide Radon Mitigation price quote over-the-phone.

This means if you already know that you need the installation, there is no need to take time off work, we can give you a price quote without having to come to the home. 

If you need a Radon Test or a Radon Mitigation Estimate, click on the link below to speak with a licensed professional from Radon Eliminator today. 

Discounted Radon Testing
