5 min read

Is it Safe to Buy a Home with Elevated Radon Levels? 

Feb 15, 2018 2:52:34 PM

Buying a Home with Elevated Radon Levels  

Buying a home can be a happy but stressful time. You may finally get a seller to say yes to your offer, but then you'll still need to go through the inspection process before making the final decision to purchase the home.

Most home inspections will include a radon inspection. If they do not offer this service, you can ask the seller to hire a company that provides radon testing services. 

Making sure qualified professionals are the ones performing an accurate radon test is important if you want to find out the concentration of radon gas inside the home. 

Buying a Home with Radon

Radon in homes cannot be avoided, and finding a home with an acceptable level of radon can be difficult if the home does not already have a mitigation system. 

So what if you have found the perfect home only to find out there are high concentration levels of cancer-causing gas inside?

The real estate agent will need to ask the sellers to install a mitigation system to reduce the radon in the home. 

If a radon mitigation system was installed because the home had elevated radon levels, you want to be sure it is working correctly.

Read our blog post: "How to Make Sure Your Radon System was Installed Properly." 

 Table of Contents 

  1. Purchasing a Home with Radon 
  2. Who Pays for the Mitigation Installation? 
  3. Choosing a Licensed Radon Company 
  4. Schedule a Free Radon Mitigation Quote 

You have two options when you find out that the home you want to purchase has an average radon gas concentration level that is too high. 

  1. Purchase the home and have a professional radon mitigation contractor install a reduction system. 
  2. Negotiate with the sellers to have them pay to install a quality radon mitigation system before the home purchase is complete.

Option number 2 is highly advised. When high concentrations of radon are found during the home inspection, you still have the opportunity to negotiate with the sellers. This is the time for you to say that the problem needs to be dealt with before you purchase the home.

The dangers of radon are not worth living with. You do not want to purchase a home with the potential to contract radon-related lung cancer. 

Most of the time, the seller will pay to install the mitigation system without putting up a fight. They usually understand that high concentrations of radon pose a huge health risk, and they realize that if they do not install the system, they may be unable to sell their home to anyone.

On the off chance that the seller decides they do not want to pay for the installation, unless you have every intention of having the installation completed sooner rather than later, purchasing the home with elevated radon levels would not be advised.

At Radon Eliminator, we advise you to complete the installation before moving into the home. This ensures that the breathing zones inside the home are safe and you limit radon exposure for you and your family.

When you buy a new home, it's easy to list everything you want to do, but in reality, they don't always get done when we expect them to. Having the removal system installed up-front will be one less project on your plate when you move in.

CHOOSING A Radon Mitigation Contractor For your Installation

When you discover that the home you want to purchase does not have safe radon levels, it's important to hire licensed Radon Contractors to install a removal system.

Even if the seller is paying for the installation, it's up to you to verify that the company they hired is licensed by The Ohio Department of Health.

If they are not, you have every right to find a different company to install the system. After all, radon is a health hazard, and it is going to be your home and your family's health that will be affected if the installation is not done correctly or up to code.

Radon Mitigation System

At Radon Eliminator, we send licensed radon contractors to complete all radon mitigation installations and will provide proof of licensure upon request. 

We have completed hundreds of mitigations for real estate transactions and will ensure that your installation is completed within your time frame of purchasing the home.

If the home you want to purchase contains elevated levels of radon gas, do not be afraid.

Hiring a Radon Professional to install a removal system is all it takes for the home to be safe.

If you need a quote for a radon mitigation system, click on the link below now.

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