Radon Eliminator Staff

Recent posts by Radon Eliminator Staff

5 min read

Can Radon Be Good For You?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Jun 17, 2022 3:38:04 PM

By now, hopefully, most people have heard about the risks of radon exposure.

But, can radon be good for you?

In Montana, there is a place where people pay to inhale and drink radon, so it can't be all bad, right?

Unfortunately, no matter what the people in Montana are doing, radon risks are very real, and you shouldn't take them lightly.

We'll dive deeper in the article below.

You are likely not one of the aforementioned tourists going to Montana for such treatments. However, does that mean radon isn't really a concern? Find out in our blog post titled: Should I Care About Radon? 

Topics: radon health risks
8 min read

Radon Facts Everyone Should Know

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Mar 11, 2022 4:58:17 PM

Fortunately, people are talking about it more and more, but many homeowners and homebuyers still don't know what radon is.

Radon gas can be a potential issue if found in your home.

You can't see, smell, or taste radon when it is present in your home, but behind smoking, radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in the United States.

The article below will discuss a few facts about radon everyone should know.

A popular question asked is if radon mitigation systems actually work. Read our blog post: Do Radon Mitigation Systems Really Work?  

Topics: Radon Frequently Asked Questions
6 min read

Do Radon Mitigation Systems Really Work?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Mar 1, 2022 4:12:37 PM

If you are worried your home has high radon levels, don't worry.

The first thing you need to do is have radon testing done in your home.

If the radon testing results show that you have elevated radon levels, there's no need to panic.

There are a few types of radon mitigation that can reduce your home's radon levels to a safe point.

Some techniques prevent radon from entering, and others reduce radon levels after it has entered.

But, do these techniques actually work?

In the article below, we will learn about radon mitigation and if it really works.

Perhaps you are looking to install a radon mitigation system because you are hoping to sell your home. Read our blog post: Can I Sell My Home if it Has High Radon Levels?

Topics: Radon Mitigation
5 min read

Should I Care About Radon?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Dec 20, 2021 4:51:04 PM

If someone told you there was a chance that an odorless and colorless gas that could damage your lungs and give you lung cancer polluted the air in your home, you'd probably want to know more about it.

However, like most people, you probably haven't heard of this gas called radon.

And you likely haven't considered the impact it can have on you and your family.

In the article below, we will discuss the many reasons you should think about this naturally occurring gas.

Want more critical information about radon? Read our blog post: "6 Things Everyone Should Know About Radon.

Topics: What Is Radon?
7 min read

8 Frequently Asked Radon Gas Questions

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Nov 23, 2021 3:01:08 PM

There aren't enough people that have heard about radon.

And for the people who have heard about radon, not enough of them understand the implications of radon exposure.

That's why our team at Radon Eliminator has put together this FAQ.

We're hoping to answer your questions and educate the communities we serve in Ohio.

And in doing so, we hope we can protect their homes and the health of their families.

After reading these Radon FAQs, please don't hesitate to contact us if you still have questions about radon.

Topics: Radon Frequently Asked Questions
5 min read

3 Most Asked Questions About Radon Mitigation System Maintenance

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Nov 19, 2021 10:03:08 AM

One of the most common questions about radon mitigation we get from our clients at Radon Eliminator after they see their elevated radon levels and learn they need a radon mitigation system is if it's going to require a lot of maintenance.

Fortunately, properly installed radon mitigation systems only require occasional maintenance and can easily be added to your home's routine maintenance schedule.

In the article below, we will go over a few maintenance tips for your radon mitigation system that will be sure to keep your levels of radon low.

Topics: Radon Mitigation System
6 min read

What Is Radon and Why Is It Dangerous?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Nov 10, 2021 10:44:12 AM

Although it's a significant risk factor for lung cancer, many people do not know much about radon gas.

Most are unaware of the dangers of radon, but fortunately, radon awareness is starting to get better and more people are starting to test their homes.

Educating yourself and knowing what radon is and why it's dangerous is the best way to keep yourself safe from harmful gas.

Taking precautionary measures with radon testing and mitigation will help ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones against the dangers of residential radon exposure.

In the article below, we will look at what radon is and why it's dangerous.

Are you concerned that you may already be exposed to high levels of radon? Read our recent blog article "What are Radon Levels?" 

Topics: What Is Radon?
6 min read

How Does Radon Affect Your Health?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Nov 3, 2021 4:49:25 PM

Although more and more people are starting to learn about radon, many people still haven't heard of it.

Have you heard of radon?

If you have, it was likely during the sale or purchase of a home.

If you haven't, you'll be surprised to find out that the health effects of radon can be devastating.

So, what is radon, and how does it affect your health?

We'll take a look at that question and more in the article below.

Concerned about one day suffering from radon poisoning? Read our earlier blog post, "A Simple Guide to Radon Testing | How Does it Work and What You Should Know"

Topics: Health Affects Of Radon
6 min read

Can I Test For Radon Myself?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Oct 28, 2021 2:55:34 PM

Radon gas comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in rock and soil.

As uranium decays, it produces radon gas that rises from the soil.

Outdoors radon gas isn't a problem, but when it gets in your home and becomes trapped, it causes problems.

Radon gas trapped inside of your home can build up to unsafe levels. After years of exposure to it, you can develop severe health issues like lung cancer.

So what do you do to keep you and your family safe from radon exposure?

Radon is colorless, tasteless, and odorless, so the only way to know if your house has elevated radon levels is to have your home tested.

Fortunately, radon testing is easy, and if you do have elevated levels, it's relatively easy to mitigate.

And since lung cancer is such a devastating disease, testing your home for radon is a no-brainer.

Wondering if there is a way to treat your radon exposure? Read our blog post: "Is There a Cure for Radon Poisoning?

This begs the question, can you test for radon yourself, or is it best left to a professional radon contractor?

We'll take a look at that question in the article below.

Topics: Radon Testing
7 min read

Do I Need To Worry About Radon?

By Radon Eliminator Staff on Oct 6, 2021 4:29:45 PM

Radon is an invisible, odorless, tasteless, and deadly gas.

More people die each year from radon poisoning than auto accidents, falls, and house fires combined.

So, do you need to worry about radon?

Yes, but you don't need to panic.

It's not fun to think about radon because it is a severe health problem that could require some substantial improvements to your home.

But, you do need to be aware of radon. If your home has elevated radon levels, it is pretty simple to reduce radon exposure in your home with a mitigation system.

The article below will discuss why you need to worry about radon and what you can do about it. 


Table of Contents


What is Radon?

Radon is a tasteless, odorless, and invisible gas made up of radioactive elements.

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas produced by the breakdown of uranium in soil, rock, and water.

Radon exposure is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, right behind smoking.

Radon-related lung cancer kills around 21,000 people each year, which is even more tragic when you consider that you can quickly remedy exposure to the gas.

The amount of work you need will depend on how much radon gas is in your home and what style of house you have, but overall it is pretty simple and affordable.

According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), the threat of radon exists in every state.

Because the air pressure inside your home, school, or workplace is usually lower than the pressure in the soil around its foundation, radon enters into buildings like your home through cracks in the foundation, walls, and other openings. 

What Are The Symptoms Of Radon Exposure In Your Home?

Since radon is colorless, tasteless, odorless, and invisible, it is impossible to tell if radon is in your home without air radon tests.

There are DIY tests available. However, for best results, you should work with a radon expert to have your home tested.

Radon testing specialists can test your home and help you lower your radon levels if elevated.

Possible symptoms of radon exposure and lung cancer are:

  • shortness of breath (difficulty breathing)
  • a new or worsening cough
  • pain or tightness in the chest
  • hoarseness
  • trouble swallowing

If you're a smoker and there's an exposure chance to high levels of radon over a prolonged period, it's essential to quit smoking.

Is It Common To Have Radon In Your Home?

Estimations say that one out of about every fifteen homes in the United States has elevated radon levels.

That means that elevated levels of radon gas have been found in homes in your state and possibly your neighborhood.

Since it's so common to have elevated radon levels in your home, and radon exposure can result in severe health risks, it's essential to have your house tested as soon as possible.

Mitigation can fix homes with radon gas, but you need to take action as soon as possible.

Many people wonder if the seasons change radon levels. Read our blog post: "What Time of Year are Radon Levels the Highest?"

Is There A Safe Level Of Radon?

The only safe level of radon is zero.

Radon levels measure in picocuries per liter, or pCi/L.

Levels of 4 pCi/L or higher are considered hazardous to your health, and you need to take action against radon if your levels are higher than 4 pCi/L.

Still, radon levels less than four pCi/L can pose a risk and, in many cases, can be reduced, but it's harder to reduce levels below 2 pCi/L. 

So, the lowest level you can get is the safest, but the EPA recommends reducing them to at least four pCi/L.

Think of it as being in a water balloon fight.

If one guy throws one water balloon at you, you have a better chance of dodging it.

But if 1,000 people throw a water balloon at you, you're going to get hit.

That's why the lower your levels are, the better, but you could still get hit no matter how low they are.


You Can Fix Your Radon Problems

The good news is that even though you can't stop radon from emerging out of the soil, a radon mitigation system can safely vent it from your home.

The average cost of a mitigation system is between $800 and $1,200, but it can be more or less depending on the size of your home.

Standard radon mitigation systems drill a gap underneath your home to trap the radon. Then a radon fan forces the radon out through a vent pipe over your home.

Using passive depressurization avoids using a fan by taking advantage of your home's naturally rising air to expel the harmful radon gas.

But passive systems aren't as effective as fan systems in homes with high levels of radon.

You can also help make your home radon-resistant by sealing it to minimize the chances of radon getting in, but this isn't as effective as a radon mitigation system.

A local radon expert can help you determine which system is right for you.

When choosing the radon testing specialists to work with, be sure to check for state licensing and local requirements.

If you have a mitigation system installed, be sure to schedule a follow-up radon test to verify that the radon has been removed or lowered. 

Radon Eliminator

The team at Radon Eliminator in Ohio understands that radon is something to worry about and that radon poisoning poses severe health risks.

If you're worried your home might have elevated levels of radon, or you're worried you have symptoms of radon poisoning, you should have your home tested right away.

If your home has an elevated level of radon gas, you and your family could be at risk of developing lung cancer.

Radon Eliminator can test your home, and if your radon levels come back high, we can install a professional radon reduction system to lower the radon levels in your home.

To take action and get started with Radon Eliminator, click the button below for a discounted test.

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Topics: risks of radon